6| Taehyung

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Taehyung tugged the door to the employee entrance open. Butterflies flooded his chest at the thought of his first day. Again, he worried that his oversized red t-shirt and dark jeans weren't nice enough.

"Jin?" He called.

"Taehyung! You're here! Are you ready?" Jin beamed at him over the rim of a steaming pot.

Tae nodded. "I just...start, right?"

The Jazz Café was busier today, but that same girl sat in that same booth. Her wide eyes pinned to the figure at the piano, she didn't even notice a server sliding a plate onto her table. The music was fantastic. Slow and mournful in a pained and almost angry tone--maybe a little tired sounding? The guy playing had his shoulders slumped in apparent resignation. His dark hair hid his eyes. His arms flexed beneath the sleeves of his loose-fitting shirt and his toned legs rose and fell as they pressed the pedals. He was damn attractive. With a gulp, Tae approached. He tapped the pianist lightly, who opened his eyes with a start. Although, his sexy playing didn't falter and he ended his piece smoothly with a quiet trill of the keys.

Tae blushed, the pianist was none other than his term partner, Jeon Jungkook and Tae had just shamefully checked him out. He smiled.

"Hi Jungkook! I didn't know you worked here."

Jungkook only stared at him, lips parted in an expression of surprise.

"Um, okay." Tae shrugged and positioned himself in front of the microphone. He started singing. It was an old song his mom used play. His grandmother would often sing it to him when he was upset. It calmed him down like the embrace of a loved one.

At some point, Jungkook began accompaniment for the song. They did this for the entirety of their shift. Tae would start and Jungkook would join. It felt comfortable for Tae, if not a little new. A few minutes before the shift ended, Jimin wandered in from his afternoon lecture. He took a seat near the stage and applauded their performance proudly. Tae descended the stage, grinning widely at his best friend.

"You came! Jiminie I was so nervous!" Taehyung admitted, wrapping his hyung in a hug.

"Aish! You were wonderful!"

Taehyung turned to Jungkook and grabbed his wrist as he stalked past. "You play very well. It's his fault we were wonderful." Tae told Jimin.

"Jungkook, right? I'm Yoongi's partner --Park Jimin." Jimin supplies at the blank look on the maknae's face.

"Wait!" Jimin blushed. "I mean we're working on the project together! I didn't mean-"

Jungkook cut off the eldest's ramblings with a chuckle. "I know," He checked his phone. "I'm actually going to meet Yoongi right now. Would you both like to join us?"

He seemed nervous--lip caught between his teeth and brow furrowed, but Jimin's smile and Taehyung's voiced acceptance of the invitation seemed to ease that.

"We'd love too."

The trio gathered their respective belongings and, led by Jungkook, made their way outside. Jimin chattered happily about his classes as Tae watched their leader. Jungkook's shoulders hunched forward as he tapped out a message on his phone. He smirked when he received its reply. He tried to tear his gaze off the shoulder blades in front of him. The way they tensed and relaxed under the thin cotton of his tee mesmerized Taehyung.

"Tae? You alright?" Jimin's concerned voice broke through his haze.

Realizing himself, he coughed and nodded.


I'm bringing Jimin and Taehyung

Yoongles: If u know what's good 4 u then this is a joke

:) see you soon Yoongles

Jungkook smiled and slipped his phone into his pocket. No doubt Yoongi would be pissed at the short notice, but he'd enjoy himself in the long run. He pulled the door to the bar open and ushered Taehyung and Jimin inside. He followed and basked in the air conditioning that cooled his skin.

The long counter was lined with 12 tall, low-backed stools, of which only 5 were occupied. Yoongi was one of those occupants. His eyes flicked once lazily towards the door, then again quickly. He shot a covert glare at Jungkook who smirked back. He parted his back.

"Hey Yoongles. Miss me?" he teased.

"Not even a little, brat." Yoongi mumbled sourly.

"Hello Yoongi." Jimin greeted him sweetly.

Yoongi melted, unprepared for such a greeting. "Hi Jimin."

"I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm Jiminie's roommate." Taehyung added.

Jimin nodded in affirmation. Jungkook watched the exchange silently, secretly hoping that, tonight, Yoongi would grow closer to Jimin. That was why he'd invited Jimin and Taehyung along in the first place. It certainly hadn't been to socialize. It had been a struggle to ask them and a greater one to lead them here. The awkward silence had tried to counteract the calm he'd received from playing.

To his surprise, he hadn't minded playing for Taehyung. The man could sing and well. He'd picked songs that had delicate piano accompaniment. Jungkook had been so shocked that Taehyung was his new coworker. Now, he clearly understood Jin's reasoning for hiring Taehyung. Emerging from his reverie, he found the man occupying his thoughts once again holding his wrist.

"You good?" Taehyung asked.

Nodding, he took a seat on Yoongi's right, Jimin already occupied the left and the two were conversing happily. Taehyung sat next to him. After they ordered, Jungkook was addressed by Taehyung.

"You really do play beautifully." He complimented.

"Thank you...you sing nicely." Kook returned.

Taehyung's face flushed as he sipped his drink and opened his mouth to reply.

"Taetae! When are you going to play for Jungkook?" Jimin cut him off, sounding a bit tipsy.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Jiminie, I don't think he cares right now."

"I do, actually. I don't even know what you play." Jungkook mused.

"Uh, I- I play the violin."

Jungkook nodded thoughtfully, sipping his drink.

"What?" Taehyung wondered if he didn't like the violin, maybe even hated it. That would suck.

Yoongi spoke for him. "Jungkook told me once that violins seemed like very emotionally open instruments. You must be very open."

When Jungkook agreed, Tae smiled, albeit nervously. "I like to make friends and connect with people."

Okay so this is lame and I'll put some more fluff in the next chapter. I actually don't rly know where I was going with the last part, but I don't know how to fix it sry.I hope it's not too lame, it was kinda last minute and I didn't know where to cut it off. Also I'll prolly change povs in the middle of chapters more often I hope you don't mind. Sooooooooo........I hope you like it! Let me know, leave a vote or a comment!!
:) ^•^ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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