16| Jungkook

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Jungkook laid awake after Yoongi's call. His mind wasn't as calm as he would've like. Aside from the intrusive thoughts about his dance class, he now wanted to know why Yoongi needed a casserole dish. He was restless and his head hurt. He spent the rest of the night in a waking daze. He'd drift off and wake up every 10 minutes. When his bedroom became gray with the dawn, Jungkook gave up and rolled out of bed.He considered skipping lecture and going straight to the Jazz Cafe, but Yoongi asked to meet him for breakfast.

Jungkook plopped down in the booth and put a hand over his eyes.

"Hyung why on earth are you so happy?" He groaned. "Quit smiling Yoongs, its hurting my eyes."

"I have a date. Well, I guess I have a boyfriend too, but we haven't officially gone out together yet. But we will." Yoongi ignored him.

Kook dropped his hand. "You what?"

"I have a boyfriend."

"Jimin asked you out?"

"I asked him." Yoongi smiled, pleased with himself. "Stop laughing Kookie, I'm serious!"

Kook tried to breathe. "Re-eally?"

"Yes, really!"

A waiter slid a coffee in front of each of them and Jungkook took a long drink, trying to ignore the burning in his throat.

"You don't look like you're okay..." Yoongi referenced their phone call.

"I'm just tired."

"Did you sleep at all?"

"I don't know. How did you ask Jimin out?"

He listened intently to the relayed order of events that led up to Yoongi's flash of confidence. He got another coffee to go before following Yoongi to campus.

He sorely wished to skip. He just wanted to play the piano until his fingers melted into the keys. The idea pestered him the whole way there. He wanted to groan and turn around, but he didn't. He took a swig of coffee, hefted his bag higher on his shoulder, and pushed his way through the crowded hallway.

A session in the vocals room leaked into the noise and, peaking in, he saw it was Lisa. The sight of the dancer threatened to bring his headache back. He hurried away before she could notice him.

He'd met Taehyung this term. Wasn't one new friend enough? There were too many names, too many empty plans, too may unfulfilled expectations swirling unchecked through his head.

But, the diligent student he was, Jungkook bundled all the intruding thoughts together and locked them away, in the way that people pack up their Christmas decorations and put them in the attic to collect dust.

He dragged his pencil across his notebook, taking lazy notes and sketching his beloved piano in the corners of the pages. He ignored Taehyung's wave of greeting and barely looked up at Professor Kim once.

They were leaving. The class was over. Jungkook would have bolted -- that is, if Professor Kim hadn't asked to speak to him.

"Mr. Jeon, a word."

The students were all gone, only Yoongi and Taehyung slowed to shoot him worried glances. Both of which went unnoticed.

"Mr. Jeon, I noticed you weren't very engaged today." Professor Kim started. "Was my lecture on Beethoven's symphonies not interesting to you?"

Jungkook sighed inwardly, craving escape and his piano. "No sir. It was. I'm just a bit --"

"Don't tell me you're sick. I've seen you sick and this isn't it." His voice softened. "If you ever want to talk, my door is, well no, I do close it sometimes. If you knock and I'm in, I'll open it."

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