14| Taehyung

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Taehyung met Jungkook at the door on Monday. He was determined to act normal. Obviously, smiled very widely when Jungkook appeared on the steps beneath him.

"Jungkook!" He called. "Good morning."

"Hey Taehyung." Jungkook smiled back.

It set Tae's heart fluttering in his chest and he had to crush the urge to put a hand over it and hold it down. He opened the door and followed Jungkook inside, trailing him to his locker and then the classroom.

Professor Namjoon was already inside, writing in big script across the board. The pair took their seats and Jungkook retrieved his notebook.

Tae liked that. He never went a class without putting his pen to the paper and sprawling out notes in his squished print. ❤

"Jimin isn't mad at me." He started.

"He isn't? Wow," Jungkook laughed. "He must really love you."

Tae scoffed, "Who doesn't?"

Jungkook started raising his hand and Taehyung smacked it down, both of them laughing.


"Well, you asked!"

___________________Yoongi's Pov___________________
Buckle up, buttercups. I give you...❤YOONMIN

To be very honest, Yoongi was terrified of going to their lecture. After Saturday, just him and Jimin, he was more in love than ever. He just wanted to tell Jimin and kiss the logic out of him just long enough for Jimin to agree to go out with him.

He was too nervous to properly make his coffee that morning and had ended up throwing it away. He slumped in his seat, hoping Jimin wouldn't open that pretty mouth of his. His soft voice would soothe Yoongi to sleep.

Which he'd not gotten all weekend.


A cup of coffee slid across his desktop. He stared at it intently, studying the hand attached, then the owner of said hand, whose plump lips were set in a soft smile.

"Good morning hyung. I brought you coffee." Jimin announced.

That voice...

"For me?"

Jimin nodded, Yoongi could have hugged him, but, he didn't. Instead, he thanked him and took the coffee. It was perfect. Now he really wanted to hug Jimin-- At least more than he usually did.

"You look like you want to say something hyung. Is it not the way you like it?" Jimin worried, taking his seat.

"No, it's perfect," Yoongi reassured him. " I'm just tired. "

"You need to sleep more." Jimin pouted. "And eat."

"When I have time."

Jimin wasn't satisfied, but looked to the front as Professor Kim began his lecture.

__________________Jungkook's Pov_________________

After class as Jungkook gathered his things, Taehyung stopped him.

"I'm going to watch Yeri dance and then I'm going to apologize for being a spaz." He explained. "Will you come with me?"

"You're weren't being a spaz Taehyung."

Jungkook didn't really feel like it. Being alone in his apartment seemed much more appealing. Even still, he found himself drawn in by the pleading in Taehyung's eyes and had agreed before reasonable thought could remind him what this task would entail. Socializing. And seeing the dance instructor. Awe shit.

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