27| Jungkook

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"Tae, do you think we should make this a study date? We still haven't worked on our term piece formally. We can't forget it."

Tae looked up at him from where he rested on Jungkook's bedroom floor. Jungkook was hanging off the side of his bed. The pair of them were brainstorming date ideas because they wanted to make the first one especially enjoyable for both of them.

Taehyung hummed, "I think we should make it two dates and have one study date and one romantic date."

"But you make everything romantic." Jungkook giggled.

"That's a good thing." Tae laughed.

Jungkook rolled onto his back, eyeing the ceiling and breathing deeply. It was peaceful, having Taehyung so close. But also chaotic. There were butterflies in his stomach all the time and he wasn't getting used to them, but he they didn't bother him the way they had before his feelings had been resolved.

It felt really weird to be so reflective. The air conditioner hummed in the background while Taehyung mumbled his ideas mostly to himself. Jungkook, on the other hand, was thinking about Yoongi and Jimin and Jin. Everyone really. It had been a long month for Jungkook. He had spent so much of his time convincing himself that he didn't need anyone but Yoongi and in doing so, he'd been blind as to how many people had become important to him.

Taehyung was an intrusion, life smacking him in the face and telling him that he needed more than one person to depend on. Kook agreed. Well, now that is.

And Yoongi had given Jimin his number and the pair was texting back and forth like good friends. Jungkook was glad Jimin loved Yoongi so much. Yoongi deserved it for everything he'd done.

That was a long story.  Yoongi had been with Jungkook since he was little. He helped him deal with people when they became overwhelming. When they were too loud or there were too many bodies pressing together in the halls, Yoongi offered him a grounding handhold and a soft look of encouragement. He said it was okay to be overwhelmed, so long as you had someone to keep you from falling over the edge. And Jungkook was forever greatful for that, in turn grounding Yoongi. Helping him remember things, being his friend- which neither of them could help. They got along too well.

Someone with too many nerves and someone who felt they had too little.

But there were others who were making places for themselves in his life. Yeri. She seemed like she really wanted to be their friend. That was weird for Jungkook as the only woman in his life was his mom. She'd seemed upset the last time he saw her at the Café though and he hadn't seen her since. It made Jungkook hope she wasn't sick.

Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon were ever present figures who had steadily been integrating themselves over the course of his college career, so their intrusion was, well, less intrusive. He didn't spend time with them like friends would, but they were kind to him and he appreciated that.

It struck Jungkook that he hadn't spoken to his mom in a few weeks. Or his brother for that matter.

"Hey, I'm gonna be in the living room. I have to make a call." He announced, sliding off the bed.

"Hm? Oh, okay if I figure something out I'll bother you." Tae grinned.

Jungkook found himself blushing under the smiling gaze of his boyfriend. They were official as far as Jungkook knew. But they hadn't labeled it.

"Tae?" He stuck his head back into the room.


"Be my boyfriend?"

Taehyung looked at him sharply from his place on the floor, arrested midmotion with his hand in his hair.

"Yeah," he squeaked.

"Thank you. Okay bye." Jungkook scurried right back out the door, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Mom? Hi Mom." He smiled.

"Ah, Jungkook, I was wondering when you'd call. You had us worried."

Jungkook could hear her smiling. "I'm sorry. I've been distracted, I would've called more. How are you?"

"Just great." She confided, gearing up to tell her son everything he'd missed in the last two to three weeks.

Jungkook settled onto the couch and put up his feet, preparing to listen. He owed it to her and listening to her talk was reminiscent of a lullaby: soothing and welcome. She had a low voice, slightly darker so people thought she smoked, she didn't though. But he listened to her talk about her herb garden and the young couple with a baby who'd moved in down the street, about the garbage trucks schedules changing and the trouble his brother was getting into.

And he laughed when he was supposed to and agreed where necessary.

____________Taehyung pov____________

When Taehyung emerged from Jungkook's bedroom, he was met with the sight of the younger sprawled across the couch, phone resting beside his head. Smiling fondly, Taehyung picked up the device to find Jungkook was still in a call. He raised it to his ear.


"Who are you, this isn't Yoongi is it? Your voice has changed."

"Erm, no. My name is Kim Taehyung." He checked the I.D. "I'm a friend of Jungkook's, he's... Well he fell asleep."

"Oh? He fell asleep on his own mother." The woman tsked.

"He was sick the other day, I'd say he's still tired from recovering Mrs. Jeon."

"He was sick?" She breathed. "He didn't tell me. Was he alone again?"


"No ma'am. I stayed over until I had class and then Yoongi stayed with him."

"Oh I have to thank you then, Taehyung. He doesn't usually let people know when he needs help. I wish I could've known."

"I noticed that about him," Tae laughed lightly. "We took care of him as best we could."

"Well thank you again for that Taehyung. I'll go now and let him sleep. I'm sure you're busy as well and Jungkook would be mortified if you let me talk your ear off too." She laughed.

Tae chuckled with her. "I'll always help him, it's no problem. It was nice speaking with you Mrs. Jeon."

"Goodbye then." She clicked off.

Tae checked the battery of Kook's phone and sighed, reaching into the younger's backpack for his charger. Then, he did what he originally planned to do and poured himself a glass of water.

He stalked back into the living room and made himself comfortable on the arm chair, preparing himself to wait for Jungkook to wake up so they could decide what to eat for dinner.

We have to thank strictlytaekook  for answering my mb cuz I sorta ask this stuff randomly and delete them cuz no one answers 😅 ... But anyway lmao if one person says anything good abt my stories it sets my mood rly quickly and I tend to have rly good days xD I love you guys thank you so much for reading my books and being patient with me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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