41| Taehyung

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Staying in the dorms while Jimin was with Yoongi was probably the only time Tae had to be alone. There was no conversation, no humming, no one to ruffle his hair and tell him to put his homework away, and Taehyung hated it. He felt tugged between two mediums. Vying for Jimin's attention or taking up too much of Jeongguk's. It had him feeling a little down. But he'd just had a really good day, he always had good days, so he would simply nap it off. When he woke up, he'd find himself something to do.

When he did wake up, Jimin was hovering over him, hair falling into both of their eyes and hot breath getting right in Tae's ears. He groaned and pushed him out of his face, sitting up to rest his head on the elder's shoulder. Jimin giggled, running his fingers through Taehyung's hair gently.

"Hi TaeTae."

"Jiminie, I missed you." Tae smiled, "How was Yoongi's?"

"We had an interesting day in yesterday, and today was just silly. He's got a crush." Jimin winked.

Taehyung blinked. "What? A crush? You're his boyfriend."

Jimin leaned back, reiterating from memory what Yoongi had told him and then offering his own feelings.

"I was never sure I could discount that as a possibility for myself. And as long as we're going at a pace that both of us are comfortable with, I'm okay. Besides, Yoongs tells me everything all the time."

"He doesn't seem that talkative." Tae frowned.

Jimin slouched, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. "He's not, but he sends me screenshots, he does tell me things when its important. He'll even just tell me there's something he's going to tell me when he finds the words. It's about trust, I guess. Kinda how you know when Guk wants you to stay even though he doesn't say it out loud. It's cuz you need to."

Tae smiled thoughtfully, it did make sense. If they had their way of handling things, of course it would appear different to someone outside of their relationship. "Just tell me if you're hurting. I'm here for that, kay?"

Jimin nodded, "I'm actually just... really happy right now. I love that he told me about this and I feel more for him because of it. Plus, I mean, have you seen Hoseok? I'd be more worried if he thought he was ugly."

Tae giggled. This is what he missed. What he needed. "Guk can sing."


"Hmm, he has the prettiest voice. It's so steady. He sang to me the other day on our hike."

"Ooh, is that what you call that, singing." Jimin wiggled his eyebrows ridiculously.

"Jimin! I'm serious!" Taehyung blushed, laughing with his friend. "Oh!"

Taehyung scrambled off the bed, digging around in his sock drawer for his secret stash. "I've been saving this for such an occasion."

"You don't mean..."

Taehyung flashed his signature grin, producing two boxes of pocky, one chocolate, one matcha.


Handing over Jimin's preferred flavor they snapped open the boxes and laid back, tucking the treats between their lips and pretending they were smoking. Not exactly mature, but neither of them really cared.

"Have you ever..." Taehyung coughed in lieu of speaking, "With Yoongi."

Jimin giggled, capturing another pocky stick with his teeth. "Not like, the whole way, just making out. Its really nice. I like our pace. Its good for us."

"Ah," Tae smiled. "I always thought you'd be super horny in a relationship."

"Tae!" Jimin choked, sitting up to cough around his mouthful.

"What? You were always pretty horny on main," Tae shrugged.

Jimin snorted, settling back into his pillows. "Let's watch A Silent Voice."

Taehyung groaned, "I'm gonna cry though."

"You'll be fine, I'll take a video and send it to your boyfriend so he can come cuddle you afterwards."

Giggling like highschoolers, they snuggled into each other's sides, phone propped between them and started watching.

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