17| Taehyung

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It was definitely getting colder outside. There was a chill in the late afternoon air that had Taehyung tucking himself into a thick hoodie. He finished stocking the tiny cabinets in his and Jimin's dorm and was hoping to check in on Jungkook. For no specific reason. None at all. . .

Jungkook had worried him today. That was something Tae would easily admit. Jungkook hadn't been himself in class. In fact, Taehyung had started worrying when he'd gone home so abruptly the night before.

He pulled open the back door to the Jazz Café, knowing it was after hours, but not caring. A tall dark haired man wearing specs was packing away a saxophone.

"Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung, is Jungkook still here?"

"Oh, hello. I'm Lee Hyungwon. I think he's still playing." The man clarified.

"Thank you." Taehyung smiled and followed down the hall to the kitchen.

Here it was obvious that Jungkook was still in the vicinity. The characteristic melody of Jungkook's playing was loud enough to block the sounds of the wait staff shuffling around. He nodded to a few of them, but didn't stop to talk. He just wanted to see Jungkook. He wanted to make sure he was okay.

The boy was leaning over the piano, fingers moving rapidly, his whole body leaned over the piano, swaying with the force of his playing. His hair clung to his neck and forehead despite the chill and his breaths were fast and shallow. Taehyung hurried over to him. There was no way that Jungkook was okay.

"Jungkook!" He was beside him before he'd realized he'd moved.

Jungkook made no move to let Tae know he'd been heard. The swaying and sweating and playing continued. Something in Taehyung sank. Jungkook looked empty, possessed if Tae thought about it too long. He shook himself. Jungkook needed to go home.

He put a gentle hand on Jungkook's forearm. It was burning up. "Jungkook, you need to go home."

Jungkook reacted to the cool touch with his palms smashing flat against the keys. He looked up with red rimmed eyes, unsteady breathing seeming to worsen. Pallid skin, flushed with the heat of a fever. Tae put a hand to his forehead, it was much too hot. Jungkook's eyes fluttered, a slow blink, as if unaware of Taehyung being directly in front of him.

"Jungkook, it's Tae, I'm going to take you home okay? Do you have your keys?"

An unsteady nod. Taehyung braced himself and put an arm around Jungkook's waist, gently lifting him off the piano bench.

"Do you think you're good to walk?" Tae asked, he doubted he would receive an answer, but Jungkook nodded and slipped out of Taehyung's arm.

Tae tried not to be hurt. Jungkook just wasn't the kind to like help. Not that he didn't appreciate it. It just seemed more natural to do things for himself. He didn't like to rely on people because he didn't like people in general.

Jungkook took a few unsteady steps alone before stumbling to the bar, Taehyung right behind. He held him up and dishes out his phone. The number he dialed rang twice .


"Taehyung, where'd you get my number?" Yoongi asked, puzzled.

"Jimin, hyung, Jungkook is sick. I need his address so I can get him home. He's still at the Café."

"Oh. That's not good. I'll yeah, it's xxx xxxxxxxxx."

Taehyung was halfway down the street the wrong way. Jungkook was leaning on him heavily, barely able to move his feet in his own.

"This isn't going to work."  Tae breathed out.

Carefully he hefted the unsteady boy onto his back and made his way to the apartment complex he'd visited a grand total of one time. Walking quickly didn't seem to work. Taehyung felt as if the sidewalks were pulling his sneakers down. And he could feel the heat from Jungkook's fever through his sweatshirt.

He almost wept with relief at the sight of the apartment building. He regretted not giving the younger his sweatshirt, it was cold. He set Jungkook down very gently in the elevator to find that he was asleep, or passed out, but Taehyung was trying to be positive. He found the keys in Jungkook's back pocket and quickly opened the door, trying to keep the boy upright.

He found the bedroom and laid Jungkook on the covers. He took a step back and ran his fingers through his disheveled locks. He pulled off the sweatshirt, it was now too warm for comfort.

He pulled the sneakers off of Jungkook's feet and stopped again, staring at the unconscious boy before him. How did you care for people with fevers? Were there specific things you had do?

His grandmother always made sure he was tucked in, with a cool cloth to cool him down. Okay. That's something.

He tucked him in rather awkwardly, wishing he were better at being a nurse. He remembered where the kitchen was and found a towel, grabbing the younger a glass of water for when he woke up.

Jungkook had shifted around, his arms flung across the covers. Okay. He wiped the sweat from Jungkook's brow and tucked the covers back up to his chest, arms out. He was going call Jimin and ask for advice on what to do next, but he didn't get the chance.

Jungkook stirred in his sleep, arms reaching. Taehyung stepped close to brush the hair from his forehead. Jungkook's hand caught Tae's wrist, drawing him down as he rolled into his side. Taehyung landed next to him, barely on the single bed. Jungkook had upgraded his contact to full on hugging Taehyung's arm.

The elder lay awake for a long while listening to the soft breaths of his captor. In exactly how many ways Taehyung's being was captured by Jungkook he couldn't fully understand, regardless he stayed by his side, randomly pressing the cool cloth to Jungkook's forehead and neck. His gaze was ensnared in the soft hair on the back of the younger's neck, the strands that ruffled with Taehyung's breathing.

No longer could Taehyung pretend he had boundless resources of energy and he too drifted into a sleep.

THE NEXT CHAPTER OMG. I'd say I worked on this all day... But I was out for some of it with my mom, helping my brother move a bedroom set... And I was helping watch another brother's kids. SOo, yeah busy day. But I wanted to update and get moving. Also thank you so much marianzki for a reminder that people read this ❤❤❤ uwu ❤❤❤ it was a push to get smth done

I'm a very unmotivated bean so thanks for the comments and votes, they're rly encouraging!!!!! K ima go edit this now....

Aaaaaaannnnnnd done lmao. I hope.

Anyway i sorta talk abt updates on my mb if anyone wants that for future reference, follow me??? Don't I'm annoying lols... Bye!!!!❤❤❤❤

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