47| Jimin

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Yoongi told him he had a question for him and that he'd pick him up from the dance studio after classes were over. Jimin had a bubbly kind of nervous anticipation in the pit of his stomach, cuz he had no idea what Yoongi was going to say. He saw Yoongi watching him through the window of the studio and felt himself redden. What if he wasn't as good as some of the other dancers? He felt the urge to show off, but tried to keep himself in check. There was no need to get himself called out if he messed up.

When he got into the hallway, dance bag slung over his shoulder, Yoongi's eyes were glued to his every move, but distant as though he wasn't actually looking at him.

"Hyung? Is everything alright?"

"You're dancing is fucking hot." He blurted out, seeming to come back to the present all at once.

Jimin choked on the air in his throat, "Oh my god no."


Jimin was blushing and so was Yoongi.

"You had something to ask me?"

Yoongi nodded, reaching to take Jimin's hand, "Yeah, but not here."

They left the school hand in hand, walking past the bus stop they usually waited at and towards the parking lot.

"You drove today?" Duh.

Yoongi nodded, "We're going out to dinner so I wanted it to feel fancier than an everyday thing."

"Wait, dinner?" Jimin panicked, he was still in his sweaty practice clothes, "Can I shower first?"

"Hmmm, your kinda hot like this, ima go with no. A for effort though." Yoongi shrugged.


Yoongi laughed, pulling out of the parking space and weaving through the students and cars.

"It's okay, you can shower first. I brought my own clothes to change into."

"But you look nice right now."

"It's a little fancier than usual."

Jimin hummed, curious, "What's the occasion?"

"You'll find out later."

When Jimjn stepped out of the bathroom to see Yoongi in a silk blue button down he almost lost all basic life skills. Namely breathing.

He picked out a pair of fitting black jeans and soft beige turtle neck that made his fading hair look a bit blonder.

Yoongi kissed his cheek, telling him he looked very pretty and that they should get going, so Jimin followed him back out to the car and slid into his seat.

"We're not telling Jin about this, alright?" Yoongi asked, Jin would be more than offended if someone didn't think his cafe was fancy enough.

Jimin laughed, "Alright,"

The restaurant they went to was actually fancier than Jin's and much more expensive. Jimin felt funny ordering whatever, but Yoongi kept telling him to get what he wanted.

"I saved up for tonight, so we can just have whatever and enjoy it." Yoongi smiled.

His boyfriend was so cute. Once they had ordered and had received their drinks, Yoongi leaned forward slightly, holding Jimin's hand above the table as he sipped his wine.

Jimin decided that Yoongi wasn't about to broach the topic on his own, so he opened his mouth to ask first.

"So, what did you have to ask me?"

Yoongi looked at their hands, a soft smile playing at corner of his lips.

"I was wondering if you'd move in with me."

Jimin blinked, "Huh?"

"It's completely fine if you don't want to, I just really love you and I think that you should know i'm ready for that with us."

Jimin was blushing, he could feel how red his face was. He really wanted that.

"I think I'd really like that." He admitted, pulling their hands up so he could press a kiss to Yoongi's fingers. "I really really want that Yoongi."

Yoongi was smiling, cheeks dusted pink, "I'm so happy."

Their dinner from that point on was all quiet giggles and gentle hand touches, their eyes continuously catching and then looking back towards their food.

"Let's go home."

Jimin felt his chest fill with warmth, "Yeah,"

They held hands on their way to the car and Yoongi kissed him against the passenger door with only the light of the moon as a witness. The butterflies in his chest were working overtime, beating at his ribs in time with his heart.

um so i m definitely writing a spin off for yoongi & jimin lol here's this for now we shall continue!!!

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