3| Jungkook

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The noise that assaulted his ears upon stepping into the hall tempted him to cover his ears, but he refrained. He stealthily wove through the crowd, avoiding eye contact and socializing in general. Jungkook made it to the lecture hall in one piece, now nursing a coffee from the cafeteria. He checked his phone, surprised that he still wasn't late. A steady stream of students trickled in. Last of all to arrive was Jimin, Yoongi's crush. He had an unfamiliar boy with him today. The boy looked a bit older than himself, but most of these students were. He sported toffee brown hair and caramel skin. Oh, Yoongi, where is he? He looked away from the new face in search of the familiar one. His eyes landed on his black-haired friend, who, to Jungkook's silent amusement, appeared to be partnered with Jimin.

The sound of a closing door drew his attention back to the front. He looked at the board, covered in the musical scrawlings of Professor Kim. The teacher had drawn blank sheet music on the board when he'd first started teaching in a permanent ink. Every night he would painstakingly print the notes of a song across the boards. For extra credit, students could play the song, correctly name the song, or correctly tell what instrument it was written for. The new student stood in front of it, studying the piece carefully, a soft look of determined concentration tugged his features into a thoughtful pout. Professor Namjoon stood beside him, smiling at the interest shown by the student. He faced the students.

"Everyone we have a new transfer student from Incheon, Kim Taehyung."

The student, Taehyung, bowed in greeting and smiled happily. "Hello."

"Yesterday I assigned a term project to be done in pairs," He addressed the class now. "Which student does not have a partner?"

No. Nope. Do not tell him. Jungkook groaned inwardly. He slowly raised his hand, bracing himself for the inevitable pairing. And when Professor Namjoon's clear, deep voice rang out, he reflexively slumped in his seat.

"Well, Taehyung, you shall be partnered with Jungkook. Please take a seat next to him."

Kim Taehyung nodded brightly and hurried over to take his seat. He settled his bag on the ground and pulled out a notebook and pencil. He turned to me and held out a hand.

"Hello, I'm Tae."

"Jeon Jungkook." He gripped the boy's hand hesitantly and shook it once before letting go.

He busied himself with his notes to avoid further conversation. Taehyung simply turned back to the front of the room where Professor Namjoon was beginning his lecture. He wrote out notes carefully, focusing on the instructor's lesson. Occasionally he snuck glances at Yoongles, who seemed to be having trouble focusing on Professor Namjoon. He'd stare at Jimin for a bit, then blush, as if realizing he was staring. He'd try to focus on the lecture, but his eyes would get caught on Jimin again, as a bunny gets caught in a snare. Jungkook rolled his eyes fondly over his best friends struggles.

By the end of class, Jungkook was more than ready to escape the whispers of attempted conversation and smiles of attempted ice-breakery directed at him by the new student. He wasn't the only one eager to leave. Yoongi was by his side before he'd even closed his notebook. The older was nervously tapping his fingers in the strap of his laptop bag. It made Jungkook exponentially more comfortable.

"Wow Yoongles, did you really miss me that much?" He teased.

"Hush now, your hyung needs his coffee." He dismissed the teasing with a facade of calm indifference.

With a polite nod to his new partner, he followed Yoongi towards the crowded doorway. Waiting to gain a place in the parade to the hall, he felt a tug on his sleeve. Taehyung was behind him, friendly smile intact.

"Jungkook?" He let go of the fabric, having gained his attention. "Can we exchange numbers, you know, for the project?"

Jungkook pinked at the idea of sharing his number with a stranger, but he agreed. It was for the project after all, he could delete the number later. Numbers exchanged, he prepared to rejoin Yoongi, who waited impatiently by the now empty doorway.

"Thanks Jungkook! Later!" Taehyung grinned.

"Oh, bye." Jungkook answered in a small voice.

Taehyung waved and sprinted over to Jimin, stopping himself by slinging an arm around the boy and skidding to a standstill. Jungkook absently wondered if the two were a couple. Muttering something, Yoongi tugged Jungkook toward the door and into the hall. Allowing his hyung to pull him through the busy halls, Jungkook hoped that wasn't the case. Yoongi deserved to be happy.

Once out of earshot Yoongi started talking.

"The nerve of that Kim Taehyung! Hanging on my Jiminie! He sho--"

"You didn't tell me you'd partnered up with Jimin..." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Yoongi's cheeks darkened with the heat of a heavy blush and he put a hand on Kook's shoulder. "He asked me! He was so polite and kind. He's just so.....ugh! He's Jiminie! I can't even decide where to start!"

"Do you need my notes from this lecture?" Jungkook teased, making his way out of the school.

Yoongi snorted. "As if."

The pair walked to their favorite coffee shop, and ordered their drinks. Yoongi had gone back to gushing about Jimin.

"He's just so sweet and kind-hearted. He asked if I slept well!"

"What did you tell him?"

"That I didn't sleep..." Yoongi shrugged dismissively. "But then Jimin told me I should sleep because it's good for me! He's so caring..." Yoongi sighed.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was frowning. "What's the excuse this time?"

Yoongi blushed at being scolded, "I was....writing...for the project... Well, actually, I was looking through my papers for an older piece I wrote."

Jungkook shook his head. "Jimin is right. Sleep is important hyung."

Yoongi waved a hand as they sat down in their favorite window booth. "I'll sleep tonight."

Jungkook felt his heart sigh at the elder's blatant lie. His thoughts were interrupted by Yoongi suddenly addressing him.

"So, what about your partner? Are you getting along?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, Kim Taehyung is new. I haven't even spoken more than what was said before the lecture and exchanging numbers."

Yoongi balked. "You have him your personal number?"

"You were standing right there Yoongles." Kookie pointed out.

"I was looking at Jimin..."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, smiling at his hopeless hyung.

"Taehyung is attractive though..." Yoongi teased.

Kookie blushed. "I just met him!"

"Tell yourself what you need to hear..." Yoongi stood and disposed of his empty coffee cup. " I have to do some homework. See you, good luck with Taehyung. "

"Good luck with Jimin."

"Luck? I need miracles." Yoongi laughed.

Another chapter. I really hope whoever reads this likes it. ^•^ let me know in the comments and vote! (If you like it of course) Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Also, I am a strong believer in soft Yoongi, sooooo, yeah. :)

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