7| Jungkook

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Turning back to his drink, a drunken Yoongi slurred something, sending Jimin into a fit of giggles.

"Isn't Yoongi so cute!" He observed breathlessly. "TaeTae! You have to give...You need to..." He gave up and went back to laughing.

He laughed so hard he slipped off his stool. An equally unsteady Yoongi reached out to catch him. Jungkook put a steadying hand on his shoulder, sighing and pushing away his almost full glass. He helped Jimin regain his footing as well. At the counter, Taehyung abandoned his equally untouched beverage and paid the bill for all of them. He came over and slipped an arm around Jimin's waist.

"I've got Jiminie. Thanks for tonight Jungkook. He really likes Yoongi." Taehyung spoke seriously.

Jimin reached up and pinched Taehyung's cheeks, "Yoongi's sa good persn! Pretty guy... He needs sleep though." He turned an accusing look on Yoongi, who was being supported by Jungkook. "Go to sleep Yoongles!"

At this point, Kook sorely wished he'd recorded this and Yoongi's slurred response only pushed his amusement further.

"Only if you come with me Jiminie..."

Jungkook couldn't contain his laughter anymore, he guided Yoongi outside, Taehyung followed close behind with Jimin. He was laughing too.

"I can't wait to tell Jiminie about this." He wheezed.

Catching his own breath, Jungkook nodded, "Yoongi's going to be so embarrassed, thanks for joining us. I'm going to take him back to my place, it's closer. Also I'll pay you back."

"No, it's my pleasure really, I never could've come up with a way to get this idiot to hang out with Yoongi otherwise."

"Well, okay, um, thanks again."

I'm one swift movement, Jungkook hefted Yoongi onto his back. With a wave to Taehyung and Jimin he set off. At his apartment, he tugged off Yoongi's shoes and laid him in his bed. He put a glass of water on the nightstand. Yoongi passed out immediately. Smiling fondly, he picked up his phone as it buzzed in his pocket.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Jungkook? Um, it's me, Tae..."

"Oh, hi. Is everything okay?" He wondered.

"Nooo? I- Jimin's really drunk and I think I got us lost." He explained. "I don't really have anyone else to call... I'm sorry."

"Of course, it's fine, tell me where you are." He told him.

For some reason, the idea of Taehyung didn't make him as nervous as it had just hours before. And Jimin seemed nice too. He'd definitely help if he was able and, besides, he knew where to go.


Despite not visiting the area for a while, Jungkook knew exactly where Taehyung was waiting from his description.

"Um...there's a school - I can't see the name- and there's an old red slide and swings. There are a lot of trees? And a bench, it's -- this isn't helping is it?" He sighed.

Jungkook had left while they were still talking. The sky was dim, a hazy blue yellow palette of color. The late summer trees still held their healthy green leaves. The air was still and close and muggy-the way it felt before storms. Currently, no clouds dotted the sky. The red slide was rusty with age and the swings were abandoned so late in the evening. The park's only occupants sat on the bench. One was leaning on the other, flailing his arms and singing.

It was the only sound breaking the calm and no doubt someone would soon begin complaining. Jungkook approached them, suppressing a smile.


Taehyung shot him a relieved look, preoccupied with hauling a singing Jimin upright.

"Here." Jungkook picked up the drunken man easily. He was lighter than Yoongi. The ballad halted at the change in position. Being slung over someone's shoulder was a new experience for Jimin. He blinked down at the legs beneath him.

"Hello jeans, you're very dark." He patted the legs or, rather, Jungkook's butt. "Do you work out, cuz, pshew! This is nice!"

Taehyung made a screeching sound and ran behind jungkook , grabbing Jimin's hands. Jungkook laughed breathlessly.

"Ok, where do you two live?"

Given the information, his laughter intensified. He stalked ahead, a confused Taehyung lagging behind to make sure his best friend didn't try to violate his coworker any more. Jimin kept on with his mumblings about Kook's legs or Yoongi's admirable qualities. Two blocks farther, Jungkook turned to see Taehyung.

"Here?" He smiled.

Taehyung nodded and smiled back. "I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't too far off. I wasn't sure. Jimin walked me home a different way yesterday."

"It's fine, I really don't mind."

Taehyung took the lead, finding his way through the dorms lobby and up a staircase. A few people were loitering in the halls and a couple greeted Taehyung, who responded with confident ease. Jimin called out once to a guy who was talking with a small group of students.

"Damn Holland, hey!"

At this point, Taehyung was done with Jimin's drunk mumbling so he smacked the elder in the butt.

"Ignore him, you saw nothing." Taehyung giggled.

Holland nodded, blushing darkly.

"You know him?" Kook wondered.

Pushing open a door, he shrugged. "Not even a little."

He gestured Jungkook inside. Taehyung pealed the covers down on one of the beds and directed Jungkook over. He set Jimin down gently and stood back as Taehyung removed his shoes and tucked a sheet up to his chin, as Jungkook had done for Yoongi.

Jungkook felt increasingly awkward watching their interactions. The exchange was too personal. He prepared to back away and excuse himself when Jimin almost flopped out of his bed.

"Taehyungie!!!! Play for us!" He whined.

"If I play, do you promise to go to sleep?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes as if he were dealing with a rambunctious toddler which wasn't far off the mark.

Jimin, eyes wide, nodded solemnly. He reached for Jungkook and pulled him down next to him, loudly whispering. "Listen to this."

Taehyung retrieved his violin, a Luigi Mingazzi, and began to play. Jungkook watched transfixed as the bow slid across the strings with the ease of silk sliding over skin. The sounds were rich and cheerful, with a calm to it reminiscent of a lullaby. Taehyung's eyes smiled, observing Jimin's drooping countenance. Jungkook eased the boy back into his pillow. At the end he reminded himself not to clap.

Gently lifting himself from the bed he whispered, "That was really good."

"I guess we're a good match then." He replied lowly.

It was, without a doubt, a sexy sentence. The man's deep voice whispering sent pleasant chills down Kook's spine. He felt himself blushing.

"M-match." Damn it, I stuttered!

I'm going to cut it off here, cuz 1) I'm over 1000 words and 2) I'm evil. :3 sorry. I'm also rly sorry it's late, I like to update on Saturday but I didn't end up finishing on time. As usual, it's only hastily edited, more apologies. Vote and comment your thoughts!!!

But thank you all so much for reading my story and supporting it!!!! Thanks for putting it on your reading lists it makes me feel really good about my writing and I feel more motivated to keep up with updates.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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