4| Taehyung

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Taehyung made it through his first class unscathed. The teacher seemed really nice and his seat partner was so attractive, Tae couldn't help but feel a little flustered. The dark haired boy, Jeon Jungkook, didn't seem very interested in conversation though.

Taehyung didn't know what to make of his partner. He's came off as cold, but he'd smiled softly at Jimin's partner/crush, Min Yoongi. Maybe they were a couple. No. Probably not. When the class was over Jungkook hurried to leave with 'Yoongles', and Taehyung waved Jimin over. Jimin beamed, nearly glowing with happiness. Tae smirked, waiting for Jimin to spill.

"We exchanged numbers!!!!" he squeaked. "You know, cuz the project, but still!"

"Oh! I should get Jungkook's, hold on." Tae sprinted down the steps.

Her snagged the fabric of Jungkook's sleeve, "Jungkook. Can we exchange numbers, you know, for the project?"

The apprehension on the student's face, visibly displaying his doubt in the soundness of this plan, worried Tae. But, after a split second, the boy agreed. Tae internally sighed with relief.

"Thanks Jungkook! Bye!" He turned and quickly moved back to Jiminie's side, barely hearing a whispered farewell from his partner. Hooking an arm around the older's neck, Taehyung skidded to a stop.

"Didja miss me?" Tae teased.

Jimin pouted. "Why would you leave me Taetae?"

"I needed to get his number."

"You have my number!" Jimin whined. "Am I not good enough for you?"

Taehyung shook his head, laughing. Jimin was older than him, but only by some months. They'd always been able to joke like this. It was easy to love Jimin. Taehyung only hoped his crush wouldn't hurt him. Jimin didn't deserve that. Jimin introduced him to some of his friends, but soon he had to leave for a second class. Taehyung decided to explore.

He walked down some of the main streets, admiring storefronts and window shopping. The air was oppressively hot, but dry. He walked for a while before one storefront in particular caught his eye. It was called 'The Jazz Café.' The front sported a large window with a clear view to a moderate sized dining room. Classy tables and booths dotted the floor. A sleek black bar ran along the left side. Centered against the back wall of the establishment was a stage. On it rested a sleek black piano, a drum kit, and a microphone. Currently, the platform was unoccupied.

Drawn to it by the hunger in his stomach, he ventured inside. The only other customer was a petite framed girl sitting near the stage, she was speaking to a server.

"So Jeon isn't playing today?"

"I'm afraid not. But, should I tell him you stopped by?" The server asked kindly.

Even in the dim light, Tae could see her blushing darkly.

"O-oh, of, of c-course no! Of course not, no-no, th-thank you." She stammered.

A tall, broad-shouldered man emerged from behind the counter, running a casual hand through his blonde hair. "Why don't you audition, the boy's bound to notice whoever gets on stage with him."

He grinned as the girl's head shook rapidly back and forth in fierce denial of the insane idea. "I'm more of a watcher Mr. Kim."

"Just Jin, please." He told her. "How about you?" Jin addressed Taehyung.

Tae, surprised at being noticed, started. "What?"

"You should audition. We're having them..." He took in the emptiness of the establishment. "right now. Sing something."

Come to think of it, Taehyung did need a job. He also enjoyed singing. He loved music, that was granted. He found himself shrugging.


So that is how Taehyung found himself in the employ of Kim Seokjin, owner and head chef of 'The Jazz Café.' Seokjin--Jin, was an excellent cook. Tae had texted Jimin to meet him there after his lecture and the two stayed for a wonderful meal of pork and rice. Tae teased Jiminie that this would be a good place to take Yoongi on a date.

"I can't ask him out!" Jimin yelped.

"Of course you can! Just say, 'Let's work on the project babe.' It'll work itself out from there, Jiminie." Tae snorted.

"I hate that you make it sound logical." Jimin shuddered. "How about your partner, is Jungkook nice?"

Taehyung thought a moment, unsure of exactly how to describe the behavior of his new acquaintance.

"He, he doesn't seem like the type to talk much with new people. He probably has a small group of people he's been friends with for years. Maybe he's shy because of it." Tae stopped for a breath. "He was polite enough, he just seemed uncomfortable and a bit awkward."

"Maybe you should spend more time with him, get him used to being around you." Jimin suggested wisely.

Tae nodded in agreement. The two paid their bill and walked home, enjoying the early evening stillness. Cars drove by and buses, bikers wove through traffic, expertly pedaling to avoid obstructions. Their route home, dotted with plants, blossom trees and flower pots that bloomed in the late summer heat, instilled a sense of peace in Taehyung's chest. Jimin spotted a cat at one point, spotted white and yellow. The air was heavy with the smell of the city, but it didn't bother Taehyung. He couldn't wait to get home and play his violin. The case of said violin remained comfortably within his grasp, a sort of security blanket for Taehyung.

They made it to their dorm, tired and full. Jimin headed for a shower. Taehyung sat on his bed and unpacked his violin, the feeling of its polished wood and strings extending a welcome only provided by the familiar.

He practiced until the heaviness in his eyes told him he needed to sleep. And sleep he did. He crawled beneath his sheets, wearing only a pair of comfy shorts and feel asleep, dreaming of a certain dark haired boy and a project that could potentially change both of their lives.

Hey guys! Another chapter, I'm trying to stay on top of this fic, I rly like it, lemme know what you think! I try to edit the chapters myself, hopefully I do a good job... \/(*_*)\/ who knows.

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