35| Jeongguk

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"Alright, don't disappoint me. You have all started your partner pieces. You promise?" Namjoon stared the class down, palms flat on his desk and glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose.

His eyes traveled the rows and rows of students around the lecture hall, eyes holding a strict expectation. Kook was glad he and Tae met that expectation and he felt sorry for those who shrunk in their seats to avoid his glares. Joon sighed, pushing his hair off his forehead.

"Today is the day that I have dreaded since i assigned this project." Some of the students eyes widened. "No, it is not the due date." The students relaxed.

"If you had reviewed your assignments,  you would be aware that today was a progress check. I want to hear what you've worked on individually. So, as a mercy, I want the pairs with progress to visit me in the music hall one pair at a time. That should give the slackers enough time to bake up something in the meantime. After I see you, you will be dismissed."

With that, Namjoon departed, leaving the students in turmoil. A confident pair followed after him, leaving the rest to sigh in relief. Jungkook leaned his head on Taehyung's arm, relief flooding through him.

"I guess it was really good that we got so much done." He chuckled, "Do you want to go now? Jin might let you play early."

Excited at the prospect, Jungkook nodded and stood, looping his hand through Tae's and pulling his backpack off the floor. Jimin and Yoongi, he suspected, weren't far behind.

They slipped into the concert hall as quietly as they could to avoid interrupting the pair's performance. Joon had his back to them, arms clearly crossed and glasses pushed up onto his hair. They took seats in the back row while the flutist and cellist played an odd lilting piece of deep reverberations and high, laughing refrains.

Another figure entered the auditorium, blonde hair peeking out from beneath the pink baseball cap that had become his staple. He passed Jungkook and Tae and slid into the row behind Namjoon, rubbing the professor's arms in an intimate greeting.

"Ay, Jin's here." Tae smiled, a hand resting on Jeongguk's thigh.

Said boy had the suspicion that his face was as pink as Jin's hat. Ever since they had... were... intimate? That sounded weird even in his head. But since then, there was a new level of affection Tae displayed, more open with holding him or maybe possessive displays such as this, even if there was no audience. And it wasn't as though Jeongguk minded the attention. However, it was something he wasn't used to and wasn't sure if it was something he could get used to.

As the group finished their presentation, Joon asked them a few questions before he dismissed them for the class. "Next up," he smiled at Tae and Gguk over his shoulder.

Jin had made himself comfortable hugging Joon from behind, snuggling into his neck and whispering things that made Namjoon smile softly or nod thoughtfully every once in a while.

Tae picked up his case and led the way to the front, taking up the role of speaker, much to Gguk's relief.

"We haven't titled it yet, I hope that's alright." He announced, sliding his bow out of the velvet casing, violin already at home in the dip of his collarbone.

Joon nodded and told them to start when they were ready. Taking his place behind the keys was a welcome breath of fresh air. He blushed thinking of their date here a few weeks ago, but he shook himself free of the memory. He needed to focus for Tae.

With a flourish and a nod to each other, they descended upon their piece. Chaotic, fast, intense. A flurry of keys and strings and notes. They cut off playing around the key change in hopes of saving the best for last.

Jin was clapping and smiling for them, clearly pleased with it and Joon laughed at his boyfriend sweetly, giving them a thumbs up. "Get outta here you two."

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