39| Jeongguk

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Other than the early morning visit, Gguk's day was uneventful. He took notes alongside Taehyung, nodded to Joon on his way out, and allowed Taehyung to lead him around by the hand.

It felt soft, a little bit beyond his grasp. His perception, that is. Maybe he wanted a day at home as well, but he'd taken many of those recently.

"I wanna do something today." he announced, tugging Tae's arm closer.

Taehyung smiled over his shoulder. "What sounds like fun?"


"Wanna have a picnic?" He suggested.

"Yeah," Gguk smiled.

So the pair hopped the bus to a nearby convenience store, picking up sandwiches and drinks and some odd snacks before hopping on another bus. The got off at a park Jeongguk didn't recognize and set off exploring.

"Do you think the trees like the way we look?"


"Like," Tae pouted, "We take all these pictures of trees and take hikes and just stare at them and go OwO,, you know? So, do they have an opinion of us?"

Jeongguk was giggling, hiding behind his hand.

"What? Its a valid question!"

Gguk laughed louder catching up against a tree and bending over. Taehyung smiled a little as Gguk composed himself, allowing himself to be pulled farther along the trail.

"I think trees like some people, but not all of them. Like, they probably don't like the ones that carve into them."

"What if that's like their body art?"

Jeongguk hummed, "I see that, they might not like litters, though, its like leaving dog stuff in a neighbors yard."

"See? You get it!" Tae shouted, leaning forward to press a kiss to Ggukki's cheek.

"I love you."

Taehyung pulled away, red creeping up his neck as he focused on his feet moving along the uneven path. "I love you too."

The words brought a wave of heat to his own cheeks and he gripped Tae's hand a little tighter.

They kept to their path, stopping at intervals to take pictures of flowers and leaves and each other. The trees broke on the side, spaced further apart and surrounded in itchy brush and rocks. A wide creek rippled along beside them, quiet and flowing.

"Are you hungry yet?" Tae asked, "I think we can get down to that little rock thingy and sit for awhile."

Gguk hummed, nodding his agreement and let go of Taehyung's hand in favor of getting through the  brush.

When he found his footing he reached behind himself to guide Taehyung through, holding his hand as he worked his way after him. Taehyung's foot got caught on a loose, uneven patch of dirt and he slipped, leg catching up behind him as he pitched forward. Their eyes widened simultaneously and Jeongguk's grip tightened on Taehyung, dragging his arm upwards and pulling Tae into his arms.

A shout died in the elder's throat as he felt the younger's arms hold him steady, helping him find his balance on the stretch of dirt and rocks.

"Are you okay?" Kook's fingers were working over Tae's form, pressing over his arms and through his hair for hidden injuries.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he laughed, "you caught me."

They shared a soft kiss and sat among the rocks, digging out their picnic and sharing it between them.

"I watched a music video where they had a piano in the middle of a river." He announced.

Tae cocked an eyebrow at him, "That couldn't have been good for the piano."

Koo nodded, "Makes me think of Your Lie in April when he's talking about the plants over the piano. I don't know why they would voluntarily put a piano in jeopardy like that."

"A keyboard would make more sense."

"No!" Kook laughed. "No instruments in water!"

Jungkook reached between them for Taehyung's violin, running his fingers delicately over the case.

"Would you play for me?"

Nodding, the eldest carefully pulled out his violin, positioning it beneath his chin and poising the bow, fidgeting slightly to get comfortable. And then he started playing a soft tune - one they liked to play at the cafe - and Jungkook hummed along, fingers dancing over the dirt and tapping out the tune.

"You sing Gguki, 's your turn."

Jungkook just maneuvered to lay his head against Tae's thigh, able to see the sky and focus on the movements of Taehyung's fingers and arms and the working of his jaw as he played. He sang the words softly and Tae dipped his head to watch him, smile wider than ever.

I FEEL LIKE IM STUCK IN A PLOT HOLE SHSKDG HAHAHA anyway stream Fantasia X, i love you,, i hope u liked this chapter... vote nd comment!!!

i officially have no more schoolwork this week, i finished my senior year! idk wut imma do now, but i want to write. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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