34| Yoongi

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Finally managing to tear himself away from Jimin, Yoongi made him promise to work for at least 2 hours tops. After that, they would go get dinner. He smiled as Jimin pushed up his glasses, leaning over his work, lips pursed in concentration. Yoongi had finished the block of work he'd set aside for tonight, so he was content doodling in the corners of his notebook to pretend he was being productive. Mainly, he just wanted Minnie to focus. The more he accomplished the less he had to worry about.

Finally, after almost 3 hours, Jimin heaved a louder than normal sigh and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses.

"Has it been 2 hours yet?" He whined.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, checking his phone as though he hadn't been keeping track the whole time. "Minnie! Its been three!"

"Three? I think I deserve dessert too!"

"Good," Yoongi giggled. "I'm hungry."

The boys gathered their things together and slipped on their coats.

"Where should we go?" Yoongi asked, opening the door and letting Jimin out first.

"Pizza? And then ice cream?"

"Only you would want ice cream in this cold."

"You keep me warm." Jimin teased, inserting himself into the space under his arm and pecking his cheek softly.

He mumbled under his breath about how cheesy Jimin was, but he was smiling.

_________Jimin pov_________

Yoongi was so good to him. He took him fo a small pizzeria and then they took a bus to an ice cream shop he'd hear of from Namjoon. Yoongi seemed to be in a very light mood, not seeming to mind being in public for so long.

It made Jimin think that there could be a chance. A chance he'd agree to dance with him sometime.

Jimin hadn't taken his glasses off and they were starting to slide down his nose, getting in the way of his spoon. He leaned back and pushed his glasses on top of his head pushing back his hair in the process.


"Yeah?" Yoongi looked up from his cake, resting his chin in his hand.

"I used to dance. I've sorta gotten away from it recently, though. My focus has been elsewhere." Jimin breathed, fingers tapping the spoon in his bowl nervously.

"Really? That's so cool, what kind of dance?" Yoongi kept looking at him, giving Jimin his full attention as he was genuinely curious at this new information.

"A bunch. I did ballet when I was younger, but then I learned more contemporary dancing. I was... wondering..." he cleared his throat lightly. "If I started dancing again, would I be able to convince you to join me?"

Yoongi's face fell into a pout and Jimin rushed to explain.

"Not like, regularly. I don't want to force you to learn dance. Just, um, I thought it would be fun. To dance sometimes, with you."

"That sounds sweet, Jininie. I haven't danced really ever and I can't say I'll be any good, but it does sound fun."

"Really?" Jimin squeaked. "You think so?"

"Its a date." Yoongi winked, taking a bite of his dessert.

He was so calm. So cool.

"Ugh, I like you so much." Jimin pushed away his ice cream and rested his head on the table.

Yoongi's warm hand carded through his hair softly as he giggled. "I like you so much too Minnie."

Jimin smiled against the table, his face was too warm right now, he'd look up later. He put his hand on top of Yoongi's, putting a stop to the soothing head rub, and twined their fingers together. He brought their hands down and kissed Yoongi's fingers lightly.

"Your ice cream is gonna melt baby."

"I've already melted." Jimin bemoaned. "My boyfriend is too hot."

Yoongi laughed fully, a musical and bright sound. And Jimin found himself looking up and into his boyfriend's eyes, laughing alongside him.

Sorry it's a bit short. I'm trying to work out some ideas I have and get further. Thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!!! I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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