2| Taehyung

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*five days earlier*

Taehyung clutched the envelope in his fist, unnerved at its late arrival. Am I not qualified for this transfer program? He'd always wanted to study in Seoul. Maybe he'd just apply to a different college. Open it already! With shaking fingers, Taehyung tore open the envelope. He almost unfolded the letter, but thought better of it. He needed moral support. Only his best friend could supply the amount of moral support required for a feat such as this.

Park Jimin himself lived in Seoul, and Taehyung still dreamed of meeting him in person. They had become pen pals in middle school and kept in touch ever since. The two knew everything about one another. Taehyung clicked the call button on his phone and grinned hugely when he answered.

"TaeTae!!" Jimin smiled back, his eyes scrunched up in happiness. "What's happening?"

Tae made a silly face and held up the empty envelope. Jimin gasped in excitement.

"You didn't read it without me did you? Wait, of course you wouldn't. Hurry and open it up!" Jimin pleaded.

Steadying his breathing Taehyung propped the phone on the table and unfolded the 8½ x 11 sheet of paper. He read the first lines to himself, once, then a second time, and a third. Jimin waited with growing impatience.

"What does it say Taehyungie?" Jimin demanded. "Tell meeeee!"

Taehyung slumped back against his pillows, a weight lifting off his chest. "Jiminie. I got accepted."

The words, the simple sentence uttered in such relief, barely above a whisper, set off the already excited best friend. Jimin ran around his room, making Tae laugh as the phone image shook violently and air swooshed loudly through the speakers. Taehyung himself stood up and jumped around, joining Jimin's chant.

"I/He got in! I/He got in!"
*1 day earlier* (day of first day of classes)

Taehyung's ticket was bought, his bags ready. He texted Jimin.

See you in a few hours!!!!! ~(^•^~) (~^•^)~


Don't drink and drive Jiminie.

(-_-) I would nvr...


He slid it into airplane mode and clutched the strap of his carryon closer to his chest. Nerves riddled his mind with scenarios of danger. The airplane would be very high in the air for at least two hours. Taehyung didn't like flying very much and he liked being separated from his violin even less. Last night he'd spent hours sliding the bow across the strings in an attempt to calm his preflight butterflies. He hoped he could calm himself down by listening to his music and keeping his eyes very tightly closed. He'd already gone through security and now stood near the boarding gates, staring aimlessly around the sea of faces. A baby stared at him over the shoulder of its mother and he smiled, waving and mouthing a silent greeting. The baby giggled. So cute!

His eyes finally landed on an empty seat near a speaker, hopefully he could hear it over all of the noise. He smiled, strengthened at the encounter with the baby, who appeared not to care about being high up in the air. Trapped in a cage of steel and leather. Nope, I'm not nervous. He tentatively sat down and politely greeted the older woman next to him. I'm going to miss you Grandma...

His melancholy thoughts were interrupted as his flight was called and he followed his ticket directions to his seat. He sat by the aisle, away from the window. The baby from earlier sat across from him and he helped his mother stow her carryon in the overhead compartment. The baby's name was Somang (it means hope). During the takeoff, Taehyung pushed his head back into the cushion. He gripped the armrests and hummed a lullaby he'd learned to play when he was 10. It helped calm himself down. He played with the baby across the aisle for most of the trip but in the end, both of them fell asleep.

He waited at the baggage claim for his suitcase and called Jimin. The carousel held no luggage as of yet and he wanted to let Jimin know he had arrived safely.

"Tae," Jimin greeted him. "Is it just me or do you sound closer."

Laughing, Taehyung replied. "That's just you."

"No it isn't! Now grab your bag and get over here!" Jimin ordered.

Looking around himself in a circle, eyes sweeping for signs of his best friend, Tae tried to locate the orange haired boy. Jimin had somehow managed to see that the carousel sported all different sizes of luggage. He had to be nearby. He stowed away his phone and hoisted his bag from the conveyor belt. Waving a final goodbye to Somang, he made a bee-line for the exit. He finally spotted the boy behind a tall potted plant, smiling widely and giggling into his hand.

"Jiminie! I can't believe you came to get me!!" Taehyung wrapped him in a hug, which the founder eagerly returned.

"You think I'd let you find our dorm by yourself? Let's go, you need to sleep."

Regrettably, Taehyung did not sleep as soon as he would have liked. He spent the evening unpacking and organizing his belongings so that he would have a clear space to work on assignments. Around 12:39 Tae looked up to see Jimin sleeping soundly in his bed, curled up beneath a mound of blankets. Taehyung dragged himself over and plopped down in his own bed, consciousness leaving him immediately.

Jimin woke him at 8 o'clock the next morning. Tae groaned and blinked a few times. He needed to shower, which he did, quickly. In the small kitchen Jimin was eating a bowl of ramen, he pointed to another steaming bowl.

"For you." He slurped.

Taehyung thanked him and ate it. They grabbed their bookbags and Jimin led the excited, but tired transfer to the college. He smiled as Jimin told him more about his crush, Min Yoongi. A quiet boy with, like, one friend, Jungun or something like that. In the bustling halls of the school, Taehyung greeted everyone Jimin knew, although he did clutch his violin case rather tightly. He was typically good at making friends. He needed some in a place where Jimin was the only person he knew.

Ok, chapter 2 finished!! That last line just means he liked to make friends ok? Kay. They will meet soon I promise!!!!

I keep saying school, but that's cuz I don't want to repeat college too much. They are in college in Seoul. (I ship Yoonmin ♥ and Taekook, duh :p)

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