30| Jeongguk

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Jeongguk could feel his face growing warm so he stepped forward and seated himself at the piano. Letting his fingers caress the ivory and ebony keys with a familiarity that came from years of practice. He felt Taehyung sit beside him, retrieving his violin from its case.

He smiled lightly when Taehyung leaned against him. He tested a few of the keys, finding a series of chords that he liked. He looked to Tae to see if he liked it.

Taehyung's bow was in position, his eyes hooded with focus. He drew his arm back and began to play. He tried to focus on his playing, repeating the chords and adding notes all around to blend with Taehyung's accompaniment. Except he couldn't take his eyes off the vision of Taehyung's focus.

Jeongguk had only seen him play once before. When Jimin had been drunk and needed to sleep. And Gguk had been distracted by Jimin at the time.

He wouldn't lie, it was really attractive. The way Tae's fingers flexed and his jaw clenched just slightly to keep the instrument in place. His fingers danced across the strings, changing the notes and the pitch. Too soon, it was over. Taehyung brought his bow down.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Jeongguk started, pulling his hands to his lap.

"You stopped playing."

"Oh?" Jeongguk breathed, unable to tear his gaze away from Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung laughed lightly, gently laying aside his bow and violin. He looked back, hair falling over his eyes.

His calloused hand reached up to cup Jeongguk's cheek, pulling him the last bit closer. Their lips finally met and Jeongguk let out a sigh against Tae's lips. This was almost better than watching Taehyung play. In fact, he wasn't sure which he preferred.

Jeongguk moved to sit sideways on the bench, Taehyung mirroring the action only to pull the younger ever closer. Gguk lazily draped his legs over Tae's and rested his arms on his shoulders. He basked in the warmth Taehyung always seemed to radiate, the heat seeping through his shirt where Tae had a gentle hold of his waist.

________Yeri's Pov________

Yeri spent her days watching Seulgi from a distance. And it hurt. Not having her best friend constantly beside her. And she felt guilty at how much she'd depended on Seulgi and how she'd subconsciously taken advantage of her affections. So now she shuffled slippered and pajama'd into Irene's room, hugging her stuffed catbug plushie and dragging her blanket behind her.

"Rene?" She mumbled, "Are you busy?"

Irene pushed up her glasses to sit higher on the bridge of her nose. Looking up from her laptop she unfolded her legs from beneath her.

"I can take a break for you Yeri-boo." She winked and stood, stretching and gesturing for her youngest roommate to sit on her bed.

Irene joined her moments later, offering the remaining coffee from her own mug. Yeri sipped it and set it to the side. Pulling her legs up under her she breathed deeply to prepare herself. Irene allowed her the time to settle herself. Irene knew what was going on, she'd talked to Seulgi and knew before Yeri had.

"I don't know how to fix this. I love Seulgi. I really love her, but I don't think I like girls like that. And now I made her not talk to me and it's all my fault cause I'm stupid. Now I don't know if I like her like her or if I just miss her so much that I'm confused. But I know I'm confused because how did I miss that. Did you know before?"

Irene nodded, running a hand through Yeri's hair reassuringly.

"See? I screwed up so bad. I don't know how to fix it. Seulgi hates me now." Yeri cried, finally allowing herself to cry.

Irene pulled her closer and let her cry on her shoulder, whispering softly. "Seulgi doesn't hate you, she's just as confused and upset. Seulgi loves you. You have to talk to her. I thought you had gone out?"

Yeri cried harder. "We did, but then she held my hand and I let go. And she thought that I didnt like it but its not that I'm just not used to it. I told her I needed more time but now I just want Seulgi."

"Hey, hey, sh. It's alright. Here, I'll go get you some tissues." Irene stood and Yeri heard her leave, crying into her blanket.

She heard her come back and felt Irene pull her in again, holding a tissue box in front of her face.

"Baby, you didn't do anything wrong. I don't hate you." Seulgi soothed her.

Yeri tried to breathe. She tried to wipe her eyes. She wanted to calm down and let Seulgi hold her.

"Its alright to be confused," Seulgi went on. "I was confused myself. I thought you wanted me to back off. But we need to talk to each other. I always want to talk to you. I love you."

Yeri lifted her face to meet Seulgi's eyes, overcome. "Still? You still love me?"

Seulgi laughed, "Yes, and it's all your fault."

Yeri bit her lip, loving Seulgi's arms around her, loving her laughter, her voice.

Seulgi's laughter faded into a soft smile, she was focused on pushing the fuzzy ends of Yeri's hair out of her face and Yeri leaned into the touch.

She was so close. There were mere centimeters distancing them. But suddenly that was too much. Trembling, Yeri closed the gap, Seulgi's hands arrested midmotion as the love of her life and her best friend kissed her.

It wasn't all natural at first. Yeri could feel that it wasn't the right way and tried to pull away, frantic to apologize. But Seulgi rested a hand on her neck, firmly holding Yeri to her. She guided the kiss into something more relaxed. Soft. Reassuring.

And Yeri knew, no matter what, that she wanted to try. Because everything was safe with Seulgi. Even of it was new, Seulgi would be right beside her. To guide her. To calm her. And that was enough.

Surprised I got through this, but a chapter b4 I'm too busy seemed like a good idea. I havent edited it, sorry bbs❤

I may be ending this soon so I think my seulri  arc has come to an end this chapter. Thank you for reading, I love you guys! Comment and subsribble. I or no subscribble. Like and comment please 🥺🥺 (~○•○)~♡♡♡

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