46| Jeongguk

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It was a week until the end of their first semester. People were running around cramming assignments or making plans for their upcoming break. Jeongguk wasn't cramming himself, but he watched as Taehyung took more time to study and Jimin took longer practices. He and Yoongi had plenty of time outside of work to spend time with each other. And today he was going to Yoongi's.

There was a different smell when he walked in, new for this place, but familiar to Jeongguk's senses. Like Jimin's smell had melted into Yoongi's house. It was also cleaner in a way. Yoongi's usually scattered music paper was collected into folders or piled and placed specifically on the piano. There was a flannel thrown over the back of the couch and mugs on the coffee table.

He felt drawn to the window, eyeing the low maintenance plants that rested on the sil. They were doing very well.


"Did i forget to water them?" he made a 'tch'ing sound in the back of his throat.

"No, that's not it." Jeongguk smiled, still staring at the new buds that were sprouting around the older plants. "We're really getting good at this whole thing. Like, life-ing. Aren't we?"

Jeongguk could practically hear Yoongi's soft smile from behind him.

"We're doing great Gguk."


"Jesus fucking christ why won't he just fucking ask me already!" Jin shouted, aggressively mincing spring onions for his meal prep.

Hoseok was lounging over the edge of his couch hair falling towards the floor in waves. Today he was dressed splendidly in leather, fitting pants and a matching jacket with a black shirt. His silver chain earring dangled over his ear, it looked tangled. His lips were set in a crooked smile. He was staring at his phone.

"Why not ask him."

"Bitch! I don't want to?" Jin scraped everything into their respective containers, eternally disappointed in the young man who held the title of 'best friend'. "What about you? Ask Yoongi out already."

"He's LITERALLY DATING JIMIN!" Hoseok shouted, rolling off the couch. "My situation is not like yours babe, you both have VERY MUTUAL feelings. I have a boy I wanna hold hands with and one I kinda wanna bang but in a sorta wholesome way, but they are in fact in a HEALTHY relationship!"

"They drool over you as a couples activity." Jin observed, smirking when Hoseok's complexion visibly pinked.


"Well I was there when Jimin made Yoongi invite you the other day and just how, affected? they were when you talked to either of them. Jesus they both like you."

"But what if I'm just horny?"

"Bitch! This was about me, how'd we get here?"

"You were deflecting," Hoseok kissed the air, gathering himself and raising himself off the floor. "I gotta go to work now, byyye."

"Don't you work for me? Traitor."

"Sorry bae, drumming doesn't support my lavish lifestyle on its own." He slipped on his sleek black boots and let himself out with a call of 'Later bitch'.

Jin carried his kitchen tools to the sink and washed them, setting them aside to dry. The last message from Joon said to have a good day and he might swing by after his classes were over. In all honesty, Jin didn't want to wait that long to see him, but he need to behave himself. 'Act coy' or some shit just so Joon wouldn't know how crazy he was for him already.

a little short, kindda leading up to shtuff, idk we'll see babes also hoseok is a sexcy cat and there is no changing my mind i love youuuuu <3 im tired and i was checking for inconsistencies but i kinda just wanna publish it anyway, even if its short cuz i miss updating this regularly so here <3

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