44| Jeongguk

166 15 0

Idk if its technically smut? more like steamy makeout with references anyway its a warning. idk fams

After a rather eventful uneventful evening, he let the door click shut behind the last of his guests. Taehyung was standing over the sink, humming to himself as he set aside cleaned mugs to dry.

Exhaustion clung to his bones as he draped himself across his boyfriend's back. "I can do that in the morning Tae."

Taehyung shrugged, "And I can do it now too," His hands were soapy as he set aside another mug, twisting Jeongguk around him to face him.

A soft smile puffed out his cheeks and he leaned down to capture Gguk's lips with his own. A soft sigh escaped his lips as Tae took over all of his senses. Tae's hands were damp against his shirt and the countertop pressed into his back. He gasped against Taehyung's lips as the elder's grip tightened and he was lifted onto the counter.

Then Taehyung pulled away, winking as he went back to the last few mugs in the sink. Gguk pouted, crossing his arms and scooting out off to the side.




Taehyung laughed lightly, "I'm almost finished."

Frowning, Gguk reached for a towel to dry the mugs already set aside. "You got my shirt wet."

"Then take it off," Tae stared him down, making a blush rise on his cheeks.

"Leave me alone." He pouted.

Taehyung finished with the mugs and reached for Gguk, drying his hands in his shirt while the younger giggled and pushed at his hands. Finally, Taehyung stopped his attack, resting his head in the crook of the younger's neck.

"Tired?" Gguk hummed, carding his fingers through Tae's delicate hair.

He hummed lightly, "Never too tired for you," his lips ghosted over Gguk's neck, breath fanning over the skin and making Jeongguk shiver against him.



He let out a soft breath, leaning his head back against the cabinet for Taehyung to move in. Taehyung licked over his collarbone and Gguk reached up and gripped his hair tightly, wanting to speak but being too caught up to say anything. It was building up in his chest, the anticipation and base pleasure that came from Taehyung's touch. His head fell back against the cabinets and he let out a sound from his throat as Tae bit down on a spot beneath his collarbone.

"Tae," he tried again, "Can we, ah, can we go to m-my room?"

Taehyung gripped his hips, pulling him forward and lifting him up.

"Let's go then," He whispered.

Jeongguk held on, feeling himself grow weak at Taehyung's voice in his ear and at being held so easily. He'd always liked being smaller than Taehyung. Not shorter necessarily, at least by much, but Taehyung was broader, all encompassing. It made Jeongguk feel cared for.

Taehyung was setting him on the bed, pulling his shirt off as his hands trailed up his sides. Gguk shivered at the touch. Tae was hovering over him, kissing and marking up his chest, feeling him with gentle hands. He was growing needy, flushing at the realization as he found himself bucking his hips up to meet the elder's.

"H-hyung, please," He managed, trying to sound composed.

"Want something, Ggukie?"  He hummed, ever teasing.

Gguk huffed, pushing himself up and straddling Taehyung. Tae let out a soft breath as he hit the mattress, eyes watchful as they followed Gguk's moves.

He pressed their hard members together through the fabric of their pants and worked his hips down, almost choking at the friction. Tae groaned beneath him reaching to guide his hips, but Gguk slid down before he could take hold of him. He crawled down and tugged at the elder's pants, pulling them down and letting his fingers trail over Taehyung's perfect thighs.

Taehyung made a soft noise in his throat, cock twitching with the need for attention.

"I... I wanna try something Tae." He whispered.

"What is it?"

Gguk blushed furiously, keeping his eyes trained on his fingers clasped nervously in his lap.

"I wanted to try, sucking you off."

Taehyung let out a breath.

"Its just, Jimin said it was something you might like and I've never done it, so I wanted to see what it was like or if I could make you feel good." He rushed.

"Jimin?" He pushed himself up slightly, presence almost forcing Jeongguk to make eye contact.

"We talked about what you might like and how you'd react to some ideas. Nothing that deep."

"I don't know if I think its sweet or weird that you asked Jimin," He laughed.

Jeongguk held his chin up defiantly, "What do you mean!"

"Well, I guess Jimin and I never really visit that stuff when we talk."

"Liar." Gguk pouted.

Tae laughed again, "At least not that much. But babe, I'm down for anything you wanna try. We're in this together."

Jeongguk blushed again, a chill reminding him of both of their current states of undress. "I feel like the moment's passed." He looked away sheepishly.

Taehyung giggled across him, dressing himself easily and pulling Jeongguk into his chest. "Cuddle moments never pass."

Gguk smiled into his chest, loving the warmth on his skin and the arms around his torso.



"I'm proud of you, for stopping I mean."

"I love you Tae."

"I love you Gguk."

Anyway thats enough of that for now, apologies, i feel like its important to understand that theyre adults, but consent and stopping and stuff is important so even if there wasnt an issue its still okay to stop. WHATEVER WE WONT TALK ABT IT

Thanks for reading ♡♡♡

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