21| Namjoon

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Namjoon let go of the breath he'd been holding and smiled. He felt a lot lighter, having finally asked Jin out formally. Even if it wasn't a smooth and romantic delivery. He wanted to impress Jin, so he would need time to plan something wonderful for him. He'd call when he had all his ducks in a row. He promised himself.

"Joon, now that you've asked me out, can we eat?"

He laughed and nodded, "But this is just a preview. I'm going to take you out for real okay?"

Jin smirked and tossed his head. "I'll hold you to that."

Joon would enlist Irene's help, she couldn't say no to a frazzled, lovestruck brother in his time of need. Could she?


"I would have made them dinner hyung!"

"Kook likes fast food when he's sick Chim Chim, it's fine. Taehyung likes McDonald's right?"

"Yeah," Jimin drawled.

He followed Yoongi, his boyfriend, into Jungkook's apartment. It smelled like lemons and lavender. It was clean. Yoongi sent him off to the kitchen with the bags and he went of to Jungkook and TaeTae. He put the bags down and started unpacking their fries and burgers when gentle hands slid around his waist. Jimin wanted to lean back into the hold, so he did. He smelled sandalwood and sweat.


"You should come see this."

Taehyung and Jungkook were side by side on the bed. Jungguk was snuggled into Tae's arms and they were holding hands. Tae's leg was draped over Jungkook's and his steady breaths ruffled the younger's hair.

"I want a picture." Jimin whispered.

"I'll send you some." Yoongi promised, tapping his pocket.

Jimin giggled quietly. "Burgers!" He shouted.

Jungkook startled awake, Tae groggily snuggling his head into Kook's neck, groaning low in his throat. His leg wrapped tighter around Jungkook's and the younger regarded the couple with sleepy surprise, then understanding.

"Tae?" Kook whispered.

"Hmm?"The deep voice hummed against his neck, and Jungkook smiled fondly.

"I didn't eat lunch."

Tae sat right up. "I'll go get it. You have to eat all of it."

Jungkook giggled, watching Taehyung stumble into Jimin. He felt enormously better, but not quite himself yet.

"I said: burgers!" Jimin yelled in Tae's ears.

"Chim. I just. Chim!" Tae hugged him gratefully as awareness seeped into his sleep clouded brain. He missed him. All the weird up and down things Tae felt that day were gnawing at his heart, and Jimin was always there to help him sort his confuzzled feelings.

Jungkook stood and leaned into Yoongi. "I'm better, just weak." He smiled.

Yoongi nodded. "Good. So, Tae, huh? You like him?"

"I do not, hyung, I want food right now, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm always here to talk and stuff." Yoongi said with a disinterested wave of his hand.

Jimin smiled, well aware that Yoongi was being affectionate and sweet. He really did care and he meant what he said, however callous or sarcastic others could interpret it as.


Jungkook was avoiding Kim Taehyung.

It was really nothing personal. He just didn't want to catch feelings. Well, any more feelings. Although, it was hard to avoid someone who was your partner, your coworker, and the best friend of your best friend's boyfriend, especially when he was a good guy, a great friend, and a wonderful human. Oof.

And it also seemed like Tae was everywhere. It seems to be the way with people you're avoiding, they tend to make appearances. The cafe, the hallways, at the store around the corner. Bumping into him was unavoidable. But bumping into him in the literal sense was more than unexpected.

"Yeah Yoongi, it's fine, I have to finish this assignment, better now than later."

As he was holding his backpack in front of himself to slip his phone into a protected pocket, he stumbled right into a large mass that was blocking the door. Deft hands gripped his elbow and at the backpack that was falling off his other arm.

"Whoa," That dreaded low voice rumbled. "Sorry Ggukie."

"Taehyung?" He squeaked.

"Is now a bad time?"

Jungkook awkwardly shook his head and let them into the apartment, breath getting heavier as the heat from his apartment hit him. They finally got that boiler fixed. Maybe it was working too hard.

"So what brings you by hyung?" Jungkook asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Our project, silly. We really need to get a plan for it. Professor Kim said he was giving us the lecture period to work on it, so I thought we should get a plan. So that we have an idea where we're going with this."

"Oh. I, actually, I have something for that. I was hoping you could play along and we could hand it in."

Taehyung frowned for just a moment before flashing that boxy smile that made Jungkook's face feel hot. "I'd love to hear it. May I?"

"I, um, I" I want my piano... Jungkook thought desperately. He needed it to order his thoughts and needed it to escape Taehyung's smiles and the dare that kept ringing in his ears and the promise Hobi made. I'll hold you to that.

Tae leaned forward, expression unreadable as his hand rested against Jungkook's forehead and cheeks. "You don't have a fever, but you're all flushed. Is it too warm Kooks? I'll open the windows if you want me too."

"I'll do it." Jungkook got up shakily and opened a window partway. He felt the close muggy air on his skin and thought better of it. "Air conditioner."

He clicked it on and went to the kitchen, "Do you want anything Taehyung."

A mumble, "Huh?"

"Water please, thank you."

Jungkook brought out the glasses, trying to steady his shaking fingers to hide the panic that was welling like a balloon of hot air in his chest.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Taehyung worried, it was October, air conditioners were too cold for this weather.

Jungkook nodded jerkily, "Just stressed."

Taehyung leaned back and stretched his arms before leaner forward. "I didn't just come for the project, Kookie."

Jungkook closed his eyes. The name with Tae's voice sounded so different than when Yoongi said it. It made him shiver and short of breath. It tugged at his heartstrings, if he would admit that much. But he was afraid too. So very afraid.

"May I..."

"What?" Jungkook whispered, eyes still shut, oblivious to the way Tae was looking at him.

"Kiss you?"

long ass chapter becuz i love yall. still sry abt the last chapter's length

maybe this story is getting somewhere ?????


tune in next time XD

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