31| Taehyung

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The pair had finally been making headway on their project. The papers with the notes strewn across Jeongguk's apartment a testament of their efforts. That and the recycling full of what they decided wasn't quite what they were trying to show.

Currently, however, Taehyung was in his dorm, awaiting the time he would have to leave for his shift at the cafe. He felt like it had been too long since he'd been there. Jimin was laying upside down in his bed, getting off the phone with Yoongi.

"Yes Yooni, you have finals too. You have to study too. Talk to you later, kay. Bye babe."

Silence filled the room as Jimin hung up.

"I miss my boyfriend." Jimin groaned. "Taetae, how's your life. We haven't had a decent talk in a good minute."

Taehyung chuckled and laid back, mirroring his best friend's position. "I miss my boyfriend too. And I don't necessarily want to go to work tonight."

"Saaaame." Jimin drawled. "But it's not like I have a job, I have homework. "

"Have you ever thought about a job?" Tae asked, rolling over to face Minnie's bed.

"I have. I want to dance more, but I've been practicing less. It's kinda busy with Yoongi. But that makes me happy." Jimin huffed at the fringes in his eyes. "Maybe he'd be up for learning with me. It could be fun to have a dance partner."

"That would be the cutest thing. Totally do that and me and Ggukkie will play for you."

"You may have to change speeds, but ur both talented enough to keep up I'm sure."

Tae stood and ruffled Jimin's hair, he needed to get to work. "Ask him about it, how could he say no to that face."

Jimin stuck his tongue out and squinted at him. "Have a good day at work."

"Thanks Min, bye."

_______Jimin's pov_______

Alone in his dorm, Jimin missed his boyfriend even more. His silent, reassuring presence eased Jimin's mind and helped his focus. Most of the time anyway. His study material was laid out in front of him, seemingly endless and Jimin felt helpless with no plan of organizing his head to memorize it all.

He put his head on the table, allowing his glasses to slip down the bridge of his nose and rest on his top lip. He would regret breathing all over them later. Currently, moping was his top priority.

He stared at the blue lines and the black ink until it blurred and smudged together in his vision.

A knocking drew him away from the fringes of sleep and he hastily wiped the drool that was pooling at the corner of his mouth.

"Coming!" Jimin called. "Holland I mean it, Tae hasn't done any more baking, he's been busy with homework."

"Maybe I'll come back next time..." Yoongi smiled softly.

"Yoongi!" Jimin snatched the glasses off of his lips and flung his arms around Yoongi.

"Hey," Yoongi whispered against his neck, pushing his way forward so he could leave behind the noise of the dorm's busy halls. "I came so we could study together."

Jimin smiled brightly and stuck his glasses in his bedside table, he didn't wear glasses often and he felt conscious of them around Yoongi especially.

"I'll go get water, do you want anything?"

"Nope, water is fine, we can get dinner later."

So Jimin ran to the kitchen for two water bottles, returning to see his glasses on top of his notebooks. He handed Yoongi a water and slid the glasses carefully to the side, startling when Yoons reached across him to pick them up.

"Minnie, wear your glasses, they're really cute. Even when u wear them as a moustache." He teased, slipping them over Jimin's ears.

Jimin looked at Yoongi for a few moments before removing the glasses. "Well now I wanna kiss you so they have to come off."

Giggling, Yoongi pushed at his shoulder. "We're supposed to be studying, we have a goal."

"I have a goal too, its just a little different." Jimin smirked, leaning forward to press his lips to Yoongi's.

The burst of confidence left Jimin buzzing, he had Yoongs red to the tips of his ears, but that wasn't about to last. Yoongi kisses him back, obviously, and sits on the bed, pulling Jimin with him to perch lightly on his lap.

"What's your goal then baby?" Yoongi teased.

"I- I.. its this clearly." Jimin mumbled. "Its much more fun than studying. I'm interested in the subject matter."

Yoongi laughed, resting his forehead on Jimin's shoulder. "I like you so much Jimin."

Jimin's smile threatened to overtake his whole face, not stopping at just taking his vision. "I like you so much too Yoongs."

"We have to study."

"Mmmm... maybe later." Jimin winked, leaning in once again to capture Yoongi's lips.

Yoongi did agree, but his response was void of words. He held Jimin close, playing with his hair as he kept a steadying hand on Jimin's thigh.

_______Jungkook's pov_______

Jungkook was dancing around his apartment, belting out the rap verse in  B.A.P.s Honeymoon when he was rudely interrupted by the clearing of someone's throat. He pouted and paused his music, turning to greet the sound.

"Mom? Hi!" He squeaked.

"And what is my college age student doing dancing around his apartment like a 4 year old?"

"Mom please, I at least look 7." Jungkook joked, hugging her chuckling form close.

"I think you've gotten taller," she observed, shedding her coat and scarf.

"Do you want pizza?" Jungkook offered sheepishly, "I haven't grocery shopped recently."

"Why not?"

"Taehyung's been busy and I don't like going out without him." He smiled in a nothing to be done manner, lifting his shoulders in a shrug.

"Ah, Taehyung is such a pleasant boy. Your boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah he is. How do you know?"

"You fell asleep on the phone with me and he spoke to me for a bit. I like him."

"Me too."

"Ggukkie, you okay? You left the door unlocked, but it's okay I brought dinner! I think I got too much. I was hungrier at work."

"I'm okay," Gguk called. "In here."

"Saved by the boyfriend." Mom laughed.

So it's the full chapter now, sorry any that. I have some questions for ppl who read my books what if they were less innocent? Like,, would I get judged or would u like it more? And like how much less innocent? Also just ur favorite book or part of my book? I need encouragement loooooolz.

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