24| Jungkook

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"So, will you go out with me, on a real date?" Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook nodded, eyes looking everywhere but at Taehyung. He didn't think he could so soon, after bearing his feelings, regardless of them being returned. He felt really happy and light, until he looked at the clock.

"Tae, we're gonna be late."

"For what?"

"Work!" Jungkook yelled, grabbing his keys and running to change his shirt. He slipped on a less crumpled shirt and heard Tae curse from the living room as he shoved his feet into shoes.

"You ready?" Taehyung asked, grabbing his backpack and they both hurriedly ran downstairs and out the door into the gloomy and cold afternoon.

Jungkook rushed in the back door, almost knocking into Hyungwon in his hurry. "Ah!"

Hyungwon threw himself back against the wall, eyes wide. "Oh my god, you're here! Are you feeling better?"

"Uh, yeah?" Jungkook struggled to steady his breathing, surprised that Hyungwon even knew he was sick. "What time is it?"

"We're on time Kookie, don't worry." Taehyung chuckled, they were holding hands, something that didn't seem to slip by Hyungwon unnoticed.

"Well, that's great! We should go start then. We missed having you around Jungkook."

Jungkook blushed and thanked him, excusing himself to greet Jin and then make his way to the piano. Hobi leaned over the piano as he sat down, running his fingers fondly over the keys.

"Have you finished your dare?"

"Mhm, I have."

"Now you just gotta make a move, I know he likes you too." Hobi grinned and whispered, smiling like he knew something no one else did.

"Oh, we have a date." Jungkook found himself confiding. "But I hafta work now, we were almost late."

Hobi blinked a few times before sitting at his drum kit and Jungkook chuckled lightly at the reaction.

He smiled at Taehyung when he took his place in front of the microphone and then looked down at his piano. His soul. His feet tapped the pedals and his fingers danced across the keys. He couldn't remember starting, or even what he was playing, but Taehyung knew the words and the boys knew the accompaniment. A smile settled itself on Jungkook's lips and he closed his eyes, leaning into the music. It was lighter, happier, more honest.

And Jungkook felt wonderful.


It had been a week of Yeri's sulking. A week of her coming home with a heavy sigh and tired eyes. One of the days she even skipped going to the cafe. Seulgi watched her stumble through choreographies and struggle with assignments until she couldn't take it anymore. She marched into Yeri's room and pulled on her arm.

"We're going out." Seulgi announced.

"No I'm not." Yeri said.

"BrO, you are, because, I said so. And I want food. And you're coming with me." Seulgi rambled. "I'm done watching you mope, we're going to that cafe and you will leave happier."

In retrospect, it could have ended better. But Seulgi managed to drag Yeri out of their apartment and down the streets to The Jazz Cafe. The whole placed seemed bright and altogether in a much better mood than Yeri. Seulgi claimed Yeri's usual table and ordered them food from a bright waiter who knew Yeri.

"Hey Yeri, we missed you this week." He smiled.

"Oh, thanks Minhyuk." She mumbled. She seemed to be relaxing already, sending her covert glances toward the stage and the pianist.

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