18| Jungkook

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The heavy warmth on his back and the hot breath on his neck tried to drag Jungkook back into a healing slumber. And then he realized that someone was on top of him and breathing down his neck. He maneuvered himself awkwardly on the single bed, unsure of just how neither him nor the other had managed to not fall off in the night.

Last night, which he only vaguely recalled and still felt the effects of. Last night when someone pulled him away from his piano. When someone carried him home and cooled his burning skin.  last night he was tucked into his sheets. And someone whispered him to sleep, cradling him close.

His throat was scratchy and he felt a heaviness in his limbs. Everything was cold except for the person next to him.

"T-Taehyung?" He rasped.

The other boy's fine lashes fluttered open and he ran a hand over his face. His eyes widened and he tried to move, falling off the bed and dragging some of the covers off with him. It was comical, but Jungkook held back his giggling and peeked over the edge of the bed to see a frowning, sleepy Taehyung on his bedroom floor.

"Um, Taehyung?"

"You really should start calling me Tae," he frowned, trying to free his legs from the sheets. "Even Yoongi hyung does."

Jungkook's voice felt like it was scraping his throat. "Yoongles calls you Tae?"

"Well, no. But if he ever called me anything it would be Tae." He huffed, managing to sit up.

Jungkook did laugh, and he regretted it. The laugh clawed its way out of his throat and morphed into a cough, and then a fit.

"Hey, no, stop that." Taehyung was on his feet, pressing a glass of water to his lips.

Jungkook took it from him, the water soothed his throat. "Thanks Taehyung."

Taehyung pouted.

"I mean Tae." Jungkook amended. "Thanks Tae."

Taehyung smiled brightly, running a hand through Jungkook's hair. "Of course, Jungkook."

"I'm going to get you some food, um, maybe text Yoongi, I told him you weren't okay last night."

He left the room and Jungkook watched him go, absently casting about for his phone. He called Yoongi.

"Are you okay Kook?"

"Yes hyung, I'm fine," Jungkook held the phone away from himself as he coughed once.

"Yeah, I don't believe you. I'll stop by after class, I'm assuming Tae's still with you. Me and Jimin will get notes for the both of you. We'll bring dinner, just, get well okay?" Yoongi sighed worriedly into the connection.

"Yes Yooni, thank you."

He hung up and slumped back, feeling dizzy and tired from doing absolutely nothing. Maybe he really was sick. And, ironically, Yoongi really did call Taehyung Tae. Maybe it was Jimin's influence. His head sank into the soft pillows and listened to Taehyung bump around in his kitchen, searching for something that resembled a breakfast meal with the meager inventory Jungkook kept for himself. His eyes fluttered closed and stayed closed for awhile as he dozed off, body still not well enough to function for very long.

Barely two minutes later, a loud knock on his door woke him up.

"I'm coming," he groaned.

"No, I'll get it Jungkook." Taehyung was at the door, opening it slowly and peeking out. "Hello?"

"Oh, um, where's Jungkook? I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. I'm Jung Hoseok."

"I'm Kim Taehyung, Jungkook isn't well today."

"Yes, Jin sent me over with food for him."

Jungkook struggled to sit up and called out, voice hoarse. "Come in Hobi."

Taehyung sheepishly moved to let Hobi inside and Hobi poked his head right into Jungkook's room, Taehyung right at his heels. Jungkook was trying to put his feet on the floor, pushing back the dizziness. He was determined to be okay.

Taehyung was not having it.

"Jungkook get back in bed, lay back." He put a strong hand on Kook's shoulder and pushed him back gently, lifting his feet back into the bed.

He put a hand on his forehead, "You still have a fever, you're not getting up. And you haven't eaten. Why don't you have any food?" He sighed.

"I brought food," Hobi smiled.

Taehyung nodded gratefully, hushing Jungkook's protests. "At least someone takes care of you."

He pouted as Taehyung left the room and Hobi sat beside him on the bed, giving him a look.

"Who's he?" He whispered.

"He's the singer, I told you he's in my class."

"Well you didn't tell me that he's cute!"

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook settled back further inhaling the smell of Jin's food. Hobi kept nudging him so he looked at him wearily.

"His voice is so dark. How is his singing?"

"It's really deep, it's nice."

"Here." Taehyung was in the doorway, holding up a spoon and chop sticks. His hair was slightly disheveled from sleep and falling off the bed. His cheeks seemed flushed from his kitchen adventures.  Or maybe he'd gotten sick as well. Tae handed him the utensils and stepped back.

"Taehyung, you should go home and sleep."

Tae's eyes widened. He chewed his lip and walked out of the room, straight out the door without another word.

"What? Why'd you make him leave!" Hobi rounded on Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't know what to say. He'd expected a reaction. An argument. Maybe an are you sure. Instead he got a view of Taehyung's back as he simply walked away. His muscles tensed and stayed tense. If Jungkook were able, he would have run after him. He could tell the elder was upset. He just didn't understand the silent depart. Why didn't Taehyung ever let people know how he felt. And had Jungkook's suggestion upset him, or was something else bothering him too?

Hola! Okay so another chapter. I almost didn't update this week, it started off rough and I missed some school, but I'm fine now. And THE BBMA'S PPL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Yoongi needs to stay in his lane and so does Hobi and Joon and Jin and Jimin and Taehyung. I'm loyal to Kookie. I hope you like this chapter!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys for supporting my story and for sticking with me and for reading my other fics and just uwu. Much happy. Very love. ❤

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