28| Seokjin

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It took a lot of convincing for him to leave the cafe, even for a good cause as Hobi had termed it. Jungkook and Taehyung always walked to work anyway, he didn't need to pick them up. It looked like rain and that had to be a good enough excuse.


"Oh! Namjoon! Hi! I didn't know you were here, er I wanted to take the boys to the care- I mean cafe. It might rain. I don't want them to get sick. Because... I... care?"

"...Right. They should be getting out of class within the next half hour." Joon supplied.

Always a sweetheart.

"Thank you." Joon was blushing.

"Oh God. I- I'm sorry that was. I shouldn't have said that out loud."

"It made me happy." Namjoon returned in a small, unsure voice.

Jin was tempted to coo, but managed, this time, to hold himself back. He raked a hand through his hair.

"I actually did hope I'd see you before we left. I wanted to ask if I could be in charge of our next date." He smiled winningly. "How does that sound?"

Joon coughed lightly, gripping his laptop bag closer. "I'd like that."

"Great, I'll call you, okay?"

Namjoon hummed, backing away. "I have to get to my students. Bye."

Jin didn't want him to leave. He found himself moving forward and grabbing his arm. He pressed his lips lightly against the younger's cheek.

"Bye." He breathed.

Blushing heavily, he finally did manage to walk away from Jin.

Grinning with satisfaction, Jin picked up his cellphone and dialed Taehyung, already walking back to his car.

"I'm out front, I can give you and Jungkook a ride in if you want."

____________Jungkook pov___________

Jungkook let Taehyung take his hand and pull him along. Listening closely as his boyfriend laughed about Jin coming to pick them up out of the blue. Kook was pretty sure there was more to it than that. Such was obvious by the blushing professor he caught sight of on their way to the entrance.

They would be playing together soon. Jungkook's fingers melting in among the keys and Taehyung's velvety voice, deep and rich floating in and out among the tables. He craved it, as he always did.

Only now it wasn't the same.

It was a different kind of escape. Intimate in a different way. He played with his boyfriend now. He played for him, as well as himself. Taehyung became as much a part of his playing as the piano itself. 

And Jungkook was okay with that.

____________Taehyung pov____________

Tae pulled Jungkook along, talking randomly as he listened from his corner of the world. He was a little caught up, but that was okay. Tae led him to Jin's car and helped him in, laughing and poking him lightly when he forgot to put on his seatbelt.

"Come on Gguks, you should know this by now." He leaned over and fastened it for him, ignoring Jin's eye roll. "Kay Jin, we're all set."

Nodding, Jin set off, weaving through traffic to get back to his precious cafe. When they made it, everyone seemed to be there.

Yeri and Seulgi sat together in a new spot by the window. It didn't go unnoticed however, the blush that tinted Yeri's cheeks and the pair's clasped hands. Seulgi smiled brightly at him and he returned it, happy that it seemed to be working out for his friend.

Hyungwon was switching the reed on his saxophone, laughing at something Minhyuk had said to his visiting boyfriend. Well Jooheon was laughing at whatever Min had said, Hyungwon was laughing because he thought they were childish, himself not much better.

"Hi Hyungwon," Tae called.

Jooheon had just leaned over, "When is your boyfriend coming to visit, Wonnie? You'll have no room to talk."

Hyungwon rolled his eyes, but humored them nonetheless with a begrudging smile. "Wonho is visiting next week."

Jungkook squeezed his hand lightly. "Do they all have boyfriends? How much do I miss?"

Tae giggled at him lightly.

"I'm not sure whether or not Hyunsik has a boyfriend or a girlfriend. But I think everyone else has someone. Except I've never heard Hobi talk about anyone special. You just weren't listening closely and that's okay."

____________Jungkook's pov__________

Jungkook nodded a bit. He was starting to feel a bit odd. He could feel himself retreating into his head. And he wanted to go home suddenly, felt like he needed to. To be alone.

But the piano was a few steps away. And Taehyung was right beside him. He decided to push through the night. That much, he thought, he could handle.

So he sat down and stretched his fingers across the keys. But he couldn't hear himself tonight. He couldn't focus.

He could feel the base in his feet and the tawny strains of the saxophone. He could hear the deep rumble of Tae's vocals washing over the cafe. He heard the soft buzz of conversation and the crackle of laughter from the guests. Jungkook heard them snap apart their chopsticks and the metallic singing of their silverware.

He wouldn't move from the piano bench until the cafe was closed. He couldn't. Everything was too loud. One more noise and he would have exploded.

He released the keys with a jolt. He picked up his bag and tugged on Taehyung's sleeve.

"I need to be at home."

Taehyung took in the paleness and the light sweat on Jungkook's features. "I'll walk you home. Do you want me to stay?"

Jungkook shook his head. "Taking me home is enough."

So he was home. He didn't remember getting there. He only registered Taehyung's hand in his and then his jacket being gently removed.

"We're here, babe." Tae mumbled.

Numbly, Jungkook shuffled to his room and kicked off his shoes, crawling beneath the covers. He didn't bother to turn off the lights or close the door or say goodnight.

He didn't register Taehyung closing the door. He didn't realize it was dark. And then there was warmth enveloping him.

"I know you said to go, but I don't like leaving you." Taehyung held him close and ran his fingers through his hair, not saying anything else. He knew it was too much without being told.

Yeah this took a turn. I just feel like it's important to know that literally nothing has to go wrong for a person to have an episode. And I don't know exactly what conditions I'm portraying through Jungkook in this story. I relate what I deal with through him. But I've never been diagnosed so I cant say its depression or anxiety. I just know it's a real and present issue. And it needs to be legitimized.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. I'll work harder. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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