9| Jungkook

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When Jungkook got back, he found Yoongi still fast asleep. The water was gone though, pushing a fond smile onto Jungkook's face. He put another glass on the nightstand and showered, putting on a pair of shorts. He slipped carefully into the bed next to Yoongi. He knew his hyung wouldn't care either way, they'd shared a bed before.

At two in the morning, he awoke to the sound of the retching. He padded softly into the hall and knocked lightly on the door frame. Yoongi started.

"Do you want me to make you something?"

Yoongi nodded, following Kook to the small kitchen. Jungkook microwaved a plate of chicken nuggets while Yoongi seemed to be making coffee. Kookie put a hand on his arm.

"Coffee, hyung? Its 2..."

"I need coffee, Kookie." Yoongi ruffled the younger's sleep disheveled locks. "Thank you. Go back to bed."

Frowning, Jungkook nodded and obeyed. He was too tired to argue and sleep beckoned like an old friend.


Yoongi wasn't there when Jungkook awoke. He texted him to make sure he got home.

You got home Yoongles

Yeah,, sry
Couldn't sleep
Thnx 4 the food

Guess what u did

don't think I wanna know

Well Taehyung's gonna tell jimin nyway
read✔ Btr if u know now

His phone rang and he smirked.

"What did I say?" Yoongi demanded.

"You said you didn't wanna know hyung..." Kook drawled.

"You little-- just tell me."

"Well, somehow Jimin got to saying that you were cute, but you needed sleep... Then," Jungkook paused for longer than necessary. "you told him you would, but only if he went with you."

Yoongi hung up.

Jimin like s u tho
read✔ *likes

Kook spent his free morning at home, catching up on assignments, looking up new songs, and playing Overwatch. He was gaming when his phone announced a message.

Kim Taehyung:
Have you told Yoongi abt last night??? :)


Kim Taehyung:
Jimin won't eat now,, says he'll die his bed
(>•<) (>•<)

Yoongi hung up on me

Kim Taehyung:
Btw, I have a list of songs for work, so if you wanna meet up and go over it...
We can add or take away songs \_(•'_•';)_/
Mybe work on da proj...
If u feel like it :)

That's a good idea.
Just tell me when and where.

Kim Taehyung:
How abt the Café 4 lunch
so if we wanna try smth we can :)

Sounds good, see you there.

Truth be told, Jungkook didn't feel right about going out to eat with Taehyung. Not guilty or uncomfortable. Just off. It just didn't seem like their friendship was close enough to warrant lunch dates. He really had no explanation for it.

So he put on some real clothes, grabbed his wallet, and set out.


Yeri snuck outside, unaware that Seulgi was watching her with a knowing smile from behind her pale blue curtains. Yeri ran her fingers through her hair as she casually made her way to The Jazz Café.

I'm kidding: Yeri was by no one's definition calm. Her stomach curled in on itself with nerves. Her fingers shook and she felt her hands start to sweat. Sure she was wearing shorts, but she was also wearing, against common intelligence, a very comfy sweatshirt. Beneath was a thin yellow tank that she had no intentions of showing. Her thoughts ran wild with fantasies of new possibilities and scenarios that could unfold.

Maybe Mr. Jeon worked today. Maybe he would see her walk inside. Maybe she'd get up the guts to introduce herself. Maybe she'd bump into him on her way there and they'd walk together.

This is just creepy, Yer. She scolded herself. You're pretty much a stalker... Shut up!

Shaking her head, she stalked inside the classy establishment. It was always clean, service was always excellent, and the owner always seemed to be working. Jin honestly needed a day off, at least according to Yeri. She claimed her corner booth, functioning on autopilot. Lost in thoughts of how today could unfold.

The waitstaff was very aware of Yeri's...condition, but knowing the Jungkook and Yeri were too shy, they stayed out of it. She'd stood out amongst their customers since day 1.

Yeri had been having a particularly bad day. Yeri found her pet goldfish, Professor Jigalow, dead at the top of his aquarium. Her car broke down and she walked to her classes in the rain. One teacher berated her for being late in front of the entire class. Finally, she was excused from class and she walked aimlessly around the city, knowing that Seulgi would try to cheer her up if she went home. But Yeri didn't want to cheer up. Yeri wanted to wallow. So, finally, she dragged herself into the dry warmth of The Jazz Café.

She heard the piano first. The mournful notes washed over her and dragged her down, pulling her into their warmth and understanding. They whispered to her that she wasn't alone. The pianist had his eyes closed, enraptured with his own melody in a place worlds away from the stage. His fingers drummed across the keys fast, slow, soft, hard. He invented a pattern that could never be replicated or matched by anyone else in the passion and pain portrayed. Yeri found herself sitting by the stage, a hot chocolate in front of her, gazing dreamily at the man who read her heart. The thing was, he didn't know that and Yeri didn't know him.

At least a week passed before she finally heard a name to put with his face. Jeon. The drummer had shouted it once while the group were on break. Mr. Jeon seemed a fitting name. She couldn't help but love him. She could read his feelings by the way he played and when he didn't play, Yeri felt lonely and sad. she visited the café regularly, hoping to never miss a performance. The one thing she didn't do was tell Seulgi. Yeri vowed to keep this to herself, knowing Seulgi would interfere if the opportunity presented itself.

So that's this chapter.... It's not a date per se but it is an intimate get together with no strings attached.... XD I crack myself up. I swear I'm high rn, not literally, but my one shots book reached 1k views today and I'm so happy and thankful uwu!!!!! This is early because it's been late for the past two weeks sry. :/  :)❤

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