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In the peaceful night where the clouds were swimming around the dark sky, the moon was shining brightly above the earth, and in a certain place in the said earth, there stood a very tall castle on top of a mountain. The castle was not like any other bright or colourful castles people usually saw at the fairy tale. This castle was indeed beautiful, however, it was dark, and one could tell that this castle emitted eerie aura. No one wanted to get close to the said castle. However, there were some who lived inside it.

The castle was that of the european castles but looked much older and darker. Inside was not much brighter than how it looked on the outside, but just enough for people to be able to see around. Being a castle, it held many rooms, yet, for that night, only one room was crowded enough by not only the residents of the castle, but also from the honored guests. Yes, it was none other than the throne room.

"You understand it, don't you?" A feminine yet powerful, and authoritative spoke as the owner looked down at the person she spoke to from her throne. "Yes, Your Majesty." The person asked, or most likely ordered, bowed slightly, lowering her eyes as she responded to the Queen. "Good. Then you are to be departed soon." The Queen commanded again before allowing the little girl in front of her to be escorted out of the throne room.

Upon walking down the corridor, she heard someone called for her, "Princess..." So she turned her head around, only to find her nanny. "Mary." She called back acknowledging her, fully turning to look at her now.

Her nanny walked to her and she could see the sad smile plastered on her face. "Please be safe, Princess." Her nanny hugged her as she tried to hold back the tears. She returned the hug, giving her a smile even though she knew her nanny would not be able to see it. "Thank you, Mary. You take care as well." The two hugged for another minute before they let go of each other.

It was hard for the two of them to let each other go as they were like mother and daughter, even when they were not blood-related at all. It had been her nanny who had raised her for all she knew. Her mother, the Queen, was too busy with her works that she rarely even to be with her, but she knew, that her mother actually loved her. That was what she was always told by her nanny, though. So, she had believed it. She had waited for the day to come for her mother to eventually showed her love to her. Sad for her, but it just never came even until that day. But she kept on believing and she kept on waiting. That was why, even though the Queen's order was practically dangerous for her, she took it, and she listened to it. Not only because she was afraid of her mother, or the Queen, but because she loved her. She believed that it would help her mother and her people, so that was why she agreed to it. Even knowing the danger she would have to face later.

The Princess turned back to continue to a certain room, where she would began the order from the Queen. The room was small, empty, and it had no windows, much like an isolation room. "Please wait here, Princess." She heard her escort said as she looked around the room. Even though she had been living in the castle for as long as she lived, she had never been to the said room herself. She just nodded her head as the response before she was left alone in the room. She sighed as she did not know what to do while she waited. There was really nothing in the room. Not even a single chair. Thankfully, she later was accompanied by none other than her playmate who she already considered like a sister to her, even though, she was not blood related to her as well.

"Maya, you're here!" The Princess chirped in as soon as she saw who was coming. The Princess now was face to face by another girl around her age. She had pure black hair with dark brown eyes that if people did not see it straight, they would had thought that she had a pair of pure black eyes as well. Unlike the princess, her clothes was not that luxurious, however, it fit her quite well.

"Yes, Princess." The girl called Maya flashed the Princess a smile only to receive a frown from the Princess. "Wh-what is wrong, Princess?" She asked and the frown only went deeper. "Maya." The Princess began and she got quiet, listening to her playmate. "I've told you many times that you don't need to be so formal when it is just the two of us." The princess sighed. "No need to call me princess as well." She added. "O-Oh... Alright then Pri-... I mean Luna." Maya corrected herself earning a nod and a smile from Princess Luna.

"I'm sorry that you have to come with me." Princess Luna said looking straight at Maya with a sad smile on her face. "Oh no, no... You don't have to apologise, Luna." She replied almost immediately waving her hands in front of her. "I'd be happy to go with you of course." She quickly added smiling to Luna. "But, this time it might be dangerous. No, it will be dangerous." She said seriously concern about her one and only friend. "The more reason I have to go with you then, right?" Maya easily answered. Luna looked at her opening her mouth to counter back but could not find the right words for it. She just never good with words and she hated it at time like this. She then just sighed and smiled to Maya. "Alright then. But I will protect you as well." She said raising her hand and gave her a pinky promise. Maya took it and the two giggled like the children they should had been. Unknown to the two that that was the last time the two would ever spoke to each other. The last time the two would see each other. The last time the two could ever laughed together.


"Run... Run far as you can." Begged a little girl who was holding her bleeding stomach with her left hand while her right hand was holding a sword. "No, I can't never leave you here!" The girl behind yelled as she grabbed the bleeding girl in front of her. "We should get out of here quickly!" She added quickly. The bleeding girl turned to look at her and gave her a smile, an assuring one. "No, it is better for you to run away by yourself. I'll just slow you down." She said before she let go of her sword and let her hand ran through the girl's cheek. "They will be sure to catch up with us if I was to go with you. At least, you have to stay alive." She saw the girl's eyes were tearing up. "After all, you are free already now." She added lastly before she heard the footsteps. "Now run!" She pushed her away before taking her sword up again. "Hurry! I'll delay them!" She shouted to her as the girl had yet to ran away when their pursuers had caught up to them. The bleeding girl dashed to the pursuers to kill them, or at least halted them down.

The other girl could only watched as her dear friend fought by herself. She realised that she was useless, and she could not do anything to help her. She knew that she was actually the one who would slow her down. Her tears ran down her cheeks watching as blood splattered around the ground that was covered in white, was now red. The bleeding girl kept on slashing and slashing, not caring as some blood splattered around her face, her hands, or body. She was about to slash another when she heard a scream from behind her. She quickly turned to look at her friend who was caught by one of the pursuer, and let herself be caught by the one she was fighting with. She immediately cut her enemy's hand and dashed to her friend as she saw that her friend was about to be bitten. In another second, she had slashed the enemy and they turned to dust.

"Hurry! Run away from here!" She yelled at her sobbing friend as she slashed down yet another enemies who were after them. The sobbing girl stood for a minute watching her friend before she hesitantly yet quickly turned away and made her dash. "I'm sorry! Please stay alive! I will call for help!" She shouted as she kept running, leaving her dear friend behind. The bleeding girl slashed down one enemy in front of before she took a glance back at her fleeing friend and a relief smile plastered her face. "Be safe...and find a happy life." She breathed out before she felt the enemies had caught her. She dropped her sword as she had lost all of energy, even from before her friend had fled. She closed her eyes and she felt her lump body being held harshly by her enemies. She had felt the cold and wet pair of things on her neck and that was when she saw everything turned red.


A young teenage girl had awoken from her sleep abruptly, gasping for air as her forehead was covered in sweat. She looked around and realised that she was in her room before she sighed, calming herself down. "What was that dream...?" She muttered in her mind frowning slightly. She looked out of her room and saw that it was already morning. She stayed on her bed for some minutes before she got up of her bed. Walking to the bathroom, she got ready to start her day by washing herself and brushing her teeth. After that, she got out and wore the black uniform she had prepared on her bed. She looked at the mirror, and seeing it was perfect already, she walked out of her room, and went to the dining room. She saw some people were already there. She got inside as she greeted, "Good morning."

"Good morning, Scarlet."

Vampire Knight «Other Story» - [ BOOK I : The Awakening ]Where stories live. Discover now