« I : At That White Night I Came Upon a Black Knight»

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: Sorry for the super late update! I've been busy with other stuffs and just able to update it now! I thank everyone who make their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Alright, alright. Day class students don't push!" A girl with short, and brown hair, with also a pair of brown eyes, wearing a black uniform was trying her best to not be pushed by a crowd of students. "Where is Zero now when he's needed?" She grumbled as she looked around for a certain boy with silver hair.

"Well, he's probably late as usual." Another girl answered for her even though the question was not directed to her. The brunette turned to look at her as she heard her answer. "I'm glad that you aren't late..." She began then sighed. "But at least, please help me, Scarlet!" She added as she was being pushed by the crowds again.

The girl called Scarlet who had a slighty longer than shoulder-length, dark reddish hair sighed. She looked at the crowds with her emotionless face. She was actually quite glaring at the crowds with her piercing and sharp, yet also emotionless, pair of silver eyes. The crowds shuddered as they felt her glare on them, and had stopped pushing the brunette girl. "Th-thank you, I guess, Scarlet." She said as she also felt the coldness of her stare even though she knew well that Scarlet did not mean to intimidate any of them. "You're welcome." She simply answered looking away again as she yawned slightly.

"Your sister is pretty scary, Cross-san." The brunette heard one of the girl from the crowds said. She just laughed nervously. She sure did not know why her adoptive sister, Scarlet Cross, did not really want to interact with others. Surely reminded her of a certain silver haired boy. She was just glad that she was not that cold as him, though. "She's pretty fun to be with once you get to know her, though." She replied to the female student smiling.

Scarlet could hear them spoke but did not really pay her mind to it. She never really cared about other people's thoughts of her, though. Not ever since that day. She sighed as she looked up at the sky that was painted in the color of the sun. "It's time." She mumbled, and as in cue, the big gates in front of the crowd of students opened slightly. She could hear all the scream from the students, mostly the girls.

"Day class students, please don't push!" She could hear her adoptive brunette sister shouted again. "Do you need help, Yuki?" She asked this time as she knew that it would get worse than before. "Ah, yes, please Scarlet!" She shouted back. "Ok then. Zero, please do it." Scarlet said turning to look at the silver haired boy who just came beside her.

The boy called Zero with silver hair and purple eyes frowned looking at the dark haired girl. "I thought you're the one who's going to help her?" He asked confused. "I've done my part." She just simply replied not looking back at him. After all, she knew that Zero would definitely do it even without her asking for it, and she was right. Even with Zero grumbling and all, he still made his way to the gate.

"Now everyone be quiet!" She could hear Zero yelled at the crowd and they immediately got silenced. "Zero?!" She heard Yuki called out his name, surprised, just as usual. "Where have you been? You are late again." She scolded the silver haired guy who just remained cool as he had always been. It was not that long before the gates were fully opened now, showing some other pack of students of the academy. The only difference was that their uniform was white instead of black, and those white uniform students were the Night Class students. The screams returned as soon as the students in white walked out of the gate, being led by one man who had shoulder-length dark brown hair with reddish brown eyes.

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