« XXVIII : Vampire Knight »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


After leaving Scarlet behind back then in her room, Kaname had headed out on his own way, leaving the others behind, as he headed towards a certain place. He did not really know why he just went alone. Either because he just liked finishing the job alone when he could do it, or he just did not trust any of them that much, since he only thought of them as his pawns, or else because he was trying to keep them away from danger since they were precious to him. However, there was a possibility that all of those excuses were right as well. Like in case, it would be much faster to just do all the stuff by himself, but he got all those vampires who followed him, so he made full use of them as his pawns, yet, some of them were important to him that he did not want them to face danger, but they still did in the end, and he regretted not being able to do anything to stop them.

Kaname walked to the building where the senates were staying and he kept on destroying one and another vampire that got in his way, turning them all into dust, until he reached the deepest part of the mansion where the president stood looking at Kaname in surprised. "Kaname-sama, what might you be doing here?" He asked politely yet he looked troubled and guarded up around him. "Don't you know it already, Ichiou?" Kaname said as he looked back at him and almost immediately he attacked him by breaking down the floors. But, unfortunately, the senate's head was able to get away. Kaname was about to chase after him when someone stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. "Wait, Kaname." He said as he stopped him. "Let me do it." He added and Kaname turned to look at him without showing any expressions, much like his normal face. "Are you sure, Ichijou?" He asked making sure. "I might have betrayed you as a vampire." He began. "However, I will never betray you as a friend." He added smiling to him as he took his sword up, walking up to the basement where his own grandfather had escaped to.

Kaname just watched as he left before he went out of the building while breaking it down despite Ichijou was still in the basement. Either Kaname trusted Ichijou that much to be still alive after all this, or he just did not care at all, nobody knew it but himself, though, of course, he would never tell anybody about it. Either way, Kaname then made his way back to the academy and was just in time to see that his followers were fighting with Rido to protect Yuki much like he had predicted and planned, including the part where Zero had come to them after he drank his own twin's blood in order to get stronger. Also, the part about his Bloody Rose would also change its shape after resonating with Artemis Rod which had revealed its own true form as a scythe. He had predicted it all, and it all had gone according to his plan, except for one thing. He sure was not expecting Scarlet to be the Princess Luna that he had met that day on the Vampire Gala. More like, he had thought to count Scarlet in to protect Yuki knowing that she herself had been close to Yuki, although he was not sure how she saw her, all that was important to him was that she was another piece of his chess that he had thought of.

However, he never really expected her to be a vampire herself. After all, he had found her and saved her all back then when he was out on his way to visit Yuki at the headmaster's, Kaien Cross's house. He did not really know where she was from, and he totally thought that she was really human, and did not smell like a vampire at all. Even, Hanabusa who had drunk her blood, much to his dismay, did not feel anything. He then thought that perhaps something had happened to her, much like what had happened to Yuki. Sure, he had thought that her being a vampire might be out of his expectation but she was sure to be even more useful while she was a vampire, instead of a mere human, even though, she was not weak when she was a human herself, but still, everybody knew that vampires were stronger than humans in general. Yet, what bugged her was her being a pureblood much like himself and Yuki if not even higher in rank for she was a princess, and she came from the western side of the world.

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