« X'TRA : Forgotten Snow »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL~!! I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


After welcoming back the Night Class students, Scarlet had decided to return to her own room to take a rest before she was needed to do their duty at night. "Well, I'll be heading back to my own room first then." She told Yuki and Zero who were heading towards the Headmaster's office instead. "Eh? You're not coming with us Scarlet?" Yuki asked turning to look at her adoptive sister. "I'll leave the reporting to you two. I'd like to have a little nap before night comes." She simply replied waving one of her hand which was free from holding the new rabbit doll she just got from a certain dorm leader, as she walked away from them towards her room. "And Shiro needs to meet Kuro soon." They were able to catch the last sentence Scarlet had whispered lowly before she disappeared at the corner. Once again, Yuki and Zero shared similar thoughts, "She definitely likes the rabbit doll for sure."

Arriving at her own room, Scarlet closed the door behind her back before she headed to her wardrobe where there laid a single white rabbit doll at the corner of it. "I'm back Shiro~ Look, you've got a new friend." Scarlet said smiling to the white rabbit doll she called Shiro as she showed the new black rabbit doll she just got. "Come on out and meet him." She said excitedly as she took out Shiro out of her hiding place and put her down with Kuro on her bed.

"I'm sorry for hiding you inside my closet all this time, Shiro." She suddenly said as she looked at the unmoving white rabbit sitting on her bed beside the black rabbit. "I thought it would be bad for the others...for Kaname-senpai and Yuki to know that I still keep you until now." She admitted giving a sad smile as she patted the white rabbit doll. "But I never know that he still remembers you all this time too." She said lastly with a low chuckle turning to look at the black rabbit. "I wonder if Yuki also remembers?" She asked them then pondering.

It had been a long time ever since she last talked alone with her rabbit doll. At that time there was only one, the white rabbit she called Shiro. But she had stopped doing it ever since she decided to keep her feelings all to herself. After all, she used to love bringing Shiro everywhere around with her as she kept her dearly to her side. Anyone would notice how much she loved it as the reflection of her love towards the giver of her beloved rabbit. Because of that, she had to keep her hidden, shut inside her wardrobe, just like how she had been keeping her own feelings inside.

But, just that time, she could not help but felt very happy that Kaname had given her yet another rabbit doll as if to remind her about Shiro who he had given to her long time ago. As if to tell her that she could just still keep it dear to her now just like she did then. Even though she knew, he must have not noticed the reason why she kept it dear with her. He might have thought that she just liked rabbits. That must be it. However, she never remembered ever telling him that rabbits would die when it was alone because of loneliness. True, it was common knowledge, but then why did he say she was the one who told him that instead? She still could not find the answer to that.

"Well, I'm really going to have my nap now. I hope you two will bring me good dreams after all these days I've been through." She said as she hugged the two rabbits to sleep. She indeed really needed her nap after all the nights she had trouble sleeping for the dreams and pain she was having after that night the blonde vampire came to visit them at the headmaster's house. So, then, with both Shiro and Kuro in her arms, Scarlet finally fell asleep at peace. Or so it was supposed to be.

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