« XI : Vampires »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


Days went by, and the job of the guardians had become a routine to Scarlet, including having to face Luna every single day. She still did not know for sure who she was. She still did not know why she was clinging to her, and she still felt it was suspicious. Yet, for some reasons, she could not bring herself to ask her directly. She felt like her head would spit into two whenever she tried to think about her. So, she had just let the matter went by for now. After all, there was another more serious matter at hand now. Yeah, it was the matter regarding Zero's being a vampire.

Apparently, the matter had become more serious because there was a new teacher coming, and he was Zero's master before when he was still learning to become a vampire hunter. Now, the three guardians were facing the said teacher who was holding a gun on his hand, aiming for Zero and Yuki who were in the pool. How it went like this? Let me explain.

Scarlet's POV

At the day, we three were assigned to go shopping by the headmaster. Well, actually it was only me, when suddenly Zero came out to the gate with Yuki who was chasing behind him. So, the headmaster included the two of them as well. Then, after our shopping was done, Zero was having his trouble with the thirst he was having, so, he had run ahead to stop himself from craving for Yuki's blood. Yup, Yuki's, not mine. Because he had tasted her blood, and he deemed it was delicious enough so yeah. It's too complicated to explain it, so, I would like to skip the details.

After we found out he had run somewhere else, we went to look for him, and when we found him, he was already facing with a Level E Vampire. He seemed to look like he was hesitating to kill it. Then, when we arrived, the Level E Vampire had changed its target to Yuki. Zero, who was not in his right mind, responded it too late, and the Level E Vampire was already right above Yuki and I. I quickly took my sword out, but, before I could even slash it down, the Level E Vampire was already turned into dust.

Then, we saw Shiki Senri and Ichijou Takuma who had saved us. Then Ichijou-senpai invited us to come to the night class dorm, or the moon dorm tonight. The invitation only came after Yuki had been confused about why the vampires had slashed down another vampire. So, then, that night, which was also tonight, we came to the moon dorm. Apparently, it was Ichijou-senpai's birthday party.

"Ugh... Remind me why are we here again? In the middle of these... vampires?" I mumbled as it took me a while before I could finish the question. "Better remind me too." Zero joined in. "Now, now, you guys." Yuki replied as she laughed nervously. "We can leave once we hear the answer." She said turning to look at the two of us. Both of us just sighed silently as we walked further inside the dorm.

"So, Ichijou-senpai, why did you kill another vampire? Aren't you both vampires?" Yuki repeated the question she asked in the afternoon. "Please don't group us with them." It was the blonde haired vampire who answered. "Geh!" I silently grunted in my mind as I saw him, and I just spontaneously took a step back as he walked to us. Hanabusa Aido who realized it then voiced out his complain, "Aww~ Scarlet-chan, why are you taking a step back? Are you avoiding me?" He asked, pretending to sound hurt.

"Yeah, right... That's not going to work for me, Hanabusa-senpai. But well, it's just my body had automatically moved whenever you got near me. Call it a sixth sense, perhaps." I nonchalantly said as I kept on stepping back whenever Hanabusa-senpai walked up to me now until I suddenly could not move. Not because of peculiar power, but because I was glomped again, but none other than the vampire who always hung around me. "Aha~ I guess, you're hated, Hanabusa Aido-senpai~" Luna chirped gleefully as she glomped onto me.

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