« VIII : Walking Down A Lone Path»

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Zero is...a vampire?!" Yuki asked in her mind still not believing it, no, she did not want to believe it. Back in the Headmaster's office, Kaname had smelled the blood and immediately rushed to them. "Kaname-kun?!" Kaine abruptly stood up from his seat, but Kaname had gone already. Zero turned his head as soon as he heard a footstep. Scarlet also turned her head and her eyes widen slightly before she looked away and stayed silent behind Zero. "K-Kaname-senpai?!" Yuki called out as she turned to look at him who was coming from downstairs. "So, out of carving for blood has turned you into a beast, huh, Zero Kiryu." He stated as he walked up to Yuki and stood in front of her facing Zero. Yuki looked up at him from behind and recalled a memory from the past where Kaname had killed a vampire. "Zero will be killed." She thought in her mind and quickly moved to stop Kaname, only to slowly fall to Zero as she lost consciousness. "Yuki?" Zero called out looking at her worriedly as he caught her. "You sucked a disgusting amount of blood, huh? So much that Yuki can't even stand." Kaname walked up to him and took her in his arms, bridal style. "Was Yuki's blood that delicious?" He asked looking at him straight in the eyes, and he knew that Zero was feeling really guilty over it as it was clearly seen on his face. "Kaname...senpai... I guess it's better to bring Yuki to the infirmary soon." Scarlet spoke up as trying to ease the tension in the air, even though she knew it would not work. So she dared not try to look at him as she suggested that. Kaname just took a look at her once before he walked away without saying anything to her. "Headmaster..." He simply said as he passed by him on the downstairs. "Yeah, I understand..." Kaien simply replied as he corrected his glasses and looked up to Zero and Scarlet. "Come, Zero, I'll help you clean up." Scarlet said after she took a glance at the Headmaster. She pulled him as he seemed to not moving at all.

At the infirmary, Kaname was treating Yuki as she had woken up, only until Kaien had told him to return to the Moon Dormitory as the night class students are agitating with the smell of blood. Kaien then explained to Yuki what had happened to Zero, only making her felt guilty, especially to what she had said to him. "A beast in the human form." She felt a pang in her heart at how she had been so cruel to him without even knowing anything about him. Then after she had finished been treated, Kaien had returned to his office while Yuki had walked back to the stairs only to feel even guiltier. Then she walked back and upon passing the Headmaster's office, she could hear Kaname was talking to Kaien about Zero's transferring to night class.

While in Zero's room, Scarlet had been helping him with drying his hair with the towel after he had taken a bath. She spoke something to him before she got out of his room. She walked, and walked, without even knowing where to go. She just did not feel like returning to her room for now after all that had happened that day. She just needed some fresh air. So, she ended up being on top of the roof. She laid down on the roof, looking up at the dark sky which only brightened up with the moonlight as there seemed to be no stars that night. She did not mind, though, as she loved the moon more than the stars. She just stayed there, enjoying the breeze. Closing her eyes, she was about to fall asleep when she heard someone coming.

"What're you doing here?" The intruder asked. "Why are you here?" She asked back without looking at who he was after all she had known him all too well. "Am I not allowed to?" He asked back again as he made his way to her and sat beside her. "You've even already seated yourself, why need to ask anymore?" She sighed and opened her eyes to look at him still with her emotionless face. Then she sat up and leaned her forehead on her knees which she pulled up into a hug with her arms. "Are you alright?" She heard him asked. "Are you not asking the wrong person?" She asked back again as her reply. Knowing well who she meant, he answered, "I've taken care of her, remember?" Scarlet just hummed as her reply. "So, are you alright?" He asked again, with a little emphasis on the word you. "I'm not hurt. I didn't get any scratch on me. So, why would you ask me that, Kaname-senpai?" She turned her head to look at him still not showing any emotion. "You just didn't look like yourself." He simply answered, and he could see her head was tilted slightly so he continued, "I can still tell even when you're wearing that mask of yours, you know. Remember I'm a vampire?" She looked at him for a while before burying her face on her knees again. "I'm all fine. Perhaps just a little tired." She finally answered. "Somehow you are always tired." He commented remembering her exact same answers the night before. Scarlet did not reply. "Maybe you should take a break from your guardian duty?" He suggested. "Which guardian duty are you talking about?" She whispered under her breath very lowly and she knew that even Kaname could not even hear that and she knew he was turning to look at her. "What is it?" He asked as she expected. "No, I said that it might be a good idea." She lied. "I think maybe tomorrow I'll have to take a break all day long." She said raising her head now to look up at the sky.

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