« II : Where Everything Began »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I'm back again with new chapter of Vampire Knight Other Story~! I thank everyone who make their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Get away from her. Now." The girl with reddish black hair said as she still held her long sword on the back of a certain blonde haired guy. "Scarlet...!" She could hear the brunette girl in front of the guy called her name, but she paid her no mind as she was still focusing on the blonde guy. "Let go of her, or you won't get away from Tsukuyomi." She warned once again. "And you too. Stay away from me." She turned to look at the orange haired guy who was behind her, holding her other long sword on her left hand.

"Pfft..." She turned her head to look at the blonde haired guy again as she heard him chuckle. He had let go of the brunette girl and she was thankful for it, but she did not let her guard down as she kept looking, stared, at him with no emotion on her face still. "Now, now, Scarlet-chan. Don't be so mean. Though, I had tasted her blood." He admitted between his smirk and he could swear he saw the girl frowned. "But, I will let her go, if you want to take her place." His smirked went wider as his eyes glowed red.

Scarlet's frown deepened as she glared at him. "Don't you dare even try." She warned, but the vampire in front of her paid no mind to her words as he grabbed on the long sword's blade. "This little pain is nothing compared to what I will taste." He nonchalantly said as he moved closer to her. "You know... You smell as nice as well, Scarlet-chan, if not better." He whispered to her as soon as he got to her. Scarlet's eyes widen slightly, surprised to see how fast he got to her. "Get away from me!" She shouted as she tried to pull her sword away from him, but to no avail. Then she tried to swing her other sword but to her surprise it did not budge as well. She turned her head to look at her sword, only to find that it was held by the other vampire behind her. She grunted and then gasped as she felt something wet on her neck. "No!" She tried to push him away now dropping her swords as she felt her neck being licked by the blonde vampire. "Let go!" She shouted to him pushing him away but he did not even budge slightly. Then what made her horrified even more was that she felt something cold and sharp on her skin. "N-no... no! Let go! Let me go!" She frantically shouted to him, pushing him harder but it still had no effect.

Something within her screamed loudly and her heart had beaten hard as she felt terrified. Something then flashed on her mind. Something she did not even really know what it was. Something terrible. Something she did not want to see, yet was forced to see. It was not like she was weak and all, but she just never could stand against vampires, that was why she never like to take her patrol post around the night class. Yes, because all of the night class students are the same kind of the nocturnal being in front of her, vampires. The reason the disciplinary committee were only the three of them were all because of the experience. Right, the experience that involved vampires.

Scarlet gasped as she felt his fangs began to dug down on her neck. "N-no.. L-let go of me... Hel-...Ka-..." She panted out as she felt the sharp and cold fangs had been buried down between her flesh. She felt something warm dripped down along her cheeks as the same yet different warm liquid flowed down around her neck. She could hear how the vampire had drank her blood, slurping it down his mouth, and gulping it down through his throat.

The blonde vampire could not stop sucking her blood as he felt ecstatic from it. He had lost it all, and he could not even think of anything else. He could not think that what he had done might kill the girl. The only thing that brought him back to his sense was something warm and wet that fell onto his cheek. He opened his eyes and quickly pulled away as he got back to his sense. "Tears?" He asked as he touched the warm liquid on his cheek. He then looked up at the limp girl in his arms. He was surprised to see her cheeks had gone wet. He was about to wiped her tears before he heard a gunshot and widen his eyes as he saw where the bullet had landed on. He then turned to look at the owner of the gun.

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