« XXIV : X Family X Truth X »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


Yuki had been awoken for a while now and she had been preparing breakfast for her and her other three members of the family. Even though she had been thinking about her own past, but a certain member of her family had been concerning her as well for the past few days she had seen her. She was not feeling that well, and it all started on that day when she and the others found her holding out her pain behind the tree. She was wondering why did she even need to hide? Did she not trust her, as her friend, or even as an adoptive sister? Yuki's mind kept on running wild as she was frying the pancake, not realizing it was even burnt until a voice called out to her.

"Yuki, the pancake is fully cooked already. You can turn off the stove now." The voice said from behind her as the owner had turned off the stove in her stead. "Eh? Ah...! Scarlet!" Yuki called out as she saw the adoptive sister she had been thinking and worried about was now standing behind her. "How're you feeling??" She quickly asked as she put down the burnt pancake on the plate, still not realizing that it was burnt yet. "I'm fine... More like, are you alright?" Scalet asked back looking at her concerned as well though not really showing on her stoic face. "You're not going to eat that, are you?" She asked again pointing to the burnt pancake. "Oh..." Yuki had finally realized it and just laughed awkwardly.

Scarlet sighed before she took the frying pan from Yuki's hand. "Scarlet?" Yuki asked confused about what she was about to do. "Just sit down. I'll cook for today's breakfast." Scarlet simply replied as she placed the frying pan on the stove before turning on the stove once again. Yuki seemed surprised at her sentence and she just had to convey it out loud. "What?! You'll be cooking, Scarlet?! And even more, for our breakfast?!" Before Scarlet could answer, though, there was another voice that surprised the two girls there. "Really? My dear Scarlet will cook breakfast for us~?" And another voice came before the two girls could react. "Really? My daughter will~?!" Scarlet would like to facepalm now at their reactions. "Is it that weird for me to cook?! And more importantly, why are you even here at this time, Luna?!" She asked the vampire girl that came with the headmaster.

"Oh, I met her in front of the house before and just invited her in to have breakfast with us. Hope you don't mind?" It was the headmaster, as well as the two girls' adoptive father who answered. "Well, I do not really mind, but... Do vampires even need to eat human foods?" Scarlet asked turning to look at Luna after listening to her father's reply. "Now, now~ Don't sweat with the small details~" Luna simply brushed it off as she took a seat on an empty one. "It'll be your cooking, after all, Scarlet-chan~" She grinned at Scarlet only making her sighed. She then turned to just begin making breakfasts for four people and one vampire.

The breakfast was simple as it consisted only of sunny side up egg, with bacon, sausages, and pancakes, so it was done for not too long of a time. After eating their breakfasts, they got ready for their morning class. Even Zero was surprised to find out that Scarlet was the one who cooked breakfast for them that morning. Scarlet really wondered then if it was that rare of a sight to see her cook, and she just realized, she had actually never really cooked before. Well or perhaps not for them, or else, how would she even be able to cook all of that in one try? Though, all she ever needed was to fry them all, since the pancakes were already being half done by Yuki too. Either way, she was thankful that they thought it was pretty good.

When Scarlet had finished cleaning up all the dishes and was about to get ready herself, she was stopped by Luna. "You don't have to get ready. From now on you don't have to go to the day class." She said confusing Scarlet so she continued on. "It was also the reason I came this morning...to talk to you and the headmaster about it, and he had agreed about it." She explained. "But why?" Scarlet simply asked. "You need some time to rest. Of course, you won't be able to keep up with both class and your jobs as a guardian." She answered looking at her seriously. "Then isn't it more right for me to stop going to the night class instead of the day class?" Scarlet asked still not showing any emotions on her face nor her voice. "It might be true if it was a simple case as it was before." Luna replied. "Is it because that was part of our deal to make me able to stay at the academy?" Scarlet asked before Luna could even say it herself.

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