« X : The Cross»

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Burn down the beast!


"Burn down the monster!"


"Burn down the Vampires!"


"Mother, where's father?" A little girl asked the older woman as she looked up to her wondering. The older woman looked down at her daughter and gave her a sad smile. "Don't worry, dear, we will be saved here. Your father, he is out there protecting us." The answer confused the little girl, but she asked no more.

Then, she saw her father returning, all tattered, and messy. "Father, what happened?" The little girl asked worriedly. "Don't worry, dear... Everything will be fine. You'll be safe here with your mother." Then he kissed her forehead before leaving them again after giving the last kiss to his beloved wife.

Some minutes later... Another people broke into their room. The old woman quickly ushered her daughter to hide. The little girl was too scared but listened to her mother. They caught her mother. She was terrified. Then, she felt like she was picked up, and cold steel was pointed to her heart, the same as what she saw happening to her mother. She screamed out calling out to her mother. Crying in the top of her lungs until she fainted. The last thing she remembered was her mother tearing up the same as her, calling out her name. Then, someone came, she did not know who, as she had lost consciousness.


Some years passed, the little girl had forgotten about the incident. She had forgotten the motherly love her mother had ever given to her, for now, her mother had turned to be a different person. She was the Queen, and she was a Princess. She was to listen to her mother's, no, the Queen's order, no matter what it is. Even if it means her to carry the cross over her shoulder.


Some days passed after the incident. Scarlet was awoken by the bright sun shining through her window which had been forgotten to be covered by the curtain the night she had been watching over the moon. "That dream again..." Scarlet sighed as she got up from her bed, but was surprised to find that someone was also on her bed. She blinked once, then twice, then thrice before she opened her mouth. "What are you doing here... Luna?" She asked with her expressionless face.

"Aww, you're no fun~" Luna said as she got up from her bed too. "I came here to wake you up!" She gleefully said as she pulled her up from the bed. "I see..." Scarlet replied simply, dumbfounded. "No, wait I mean... This is..." She turned to look out of the window to make sure. "Yeah, this is morning. The sun is up. How can you?" She asked, not needing to finish the question as she knew Luna would get what she meant.

"Well, it was nothing unusual, right~? But well, I still used an umbrella to cover myself up, so yeah~ Easy peacey~" She answered grinning gleefully again. Scarlet sighed. She sure could not handle someone like her. "Let me get ready first then." She just said in the end. "Get ready for what? Today is weekend~" Luna reminded. "Oh." Now Scarlet just remembered. "OK, but I still need to brush my teeth and take a shower first." She said turning to look at her. "You, don't go anywhere." She sternly said. "Aye, aye~ sire~!" Luna answered playfully.

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