« XVII : Sweet (K)Night, Sweet Dream »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


Because of the deal Scarlet had made with a certain vampire girl who always clung to her, she now ended up in a class filled with vampires, and it was definitely no simple task for her. After all, she could feel many eyes were on her. Not only because she was the only human in the class, but also because they had targeted her as food. She was quite surprised that none of them had made any single move to get close to her yet, though.

"Is it because Luna is always clinging on to me? Or is it because...?" Her minds were running as she stole a glance at the back, where the leader of the vampires was leaning on the window. "I guess that was how he has been watching after Yuki up till now." Her mind continued the thoughts, along with her eyes continued watching him, until she just realized that he too had been watching her. So, she quickly turned her face back forward to the empty blackboard.

"Nee~ Scarlet~" Luna then called and Scarlet turned to look at her, probing her to continue. "Someone has been looking at you intensely until now." She said somewhat sounded slightly annoyed. "Hmm?" She simply replied. "Well, I guess many would find their attention directed at me because I'm the only human here. They might think I would taste delicious." She simply answered as she rested her head on top of her hand on the desk, bored. "No, not that. I was talking about him." Luna said as she turned to look at a certain blonde-haired vampire.

"Hmm?" Scarlet turned to look at where she was pointing and found the said vampire who had been looking at her. "Oh, what's wrong, Hanabusa-senpai?" She simply asked as she realized it too now. "Eh? N-no, it's nothing." He answered, turning his face away from her. "Oh, ok?" She simply replied slightly confused but ignored it, as she returned to look at the empty blackboard again. "Say..." She began, taking Luna's attention to her.

"Where is the teacher?" She asked not looking back at Luna. "Oh, well, he's known for being lazy, so he might either come late or not coming at all." She answered smiling to her. "Hmm..." Scarlet replied bored as she turned to look outside the window. Somehow, it was convenient to sit beside the window as she could always look outside whenever she got bored. But, she found nothing interesting, as it was already dark outside. So, she lifted her head up to see the moon shining brightly in the dark sky, and somehow her consciousness had been sucked into it.

Then, the door was slide open, and the teacher walked in. Scarlet turned to look at the teacher and realized he was a vampire after all. "So it finally begins." She mumbled as she looked at the time, showing it was already past nine in the evening. "How long is the night class usually going to be?" She asked to her seatmate, Luna. "Hmm? Well, it usually stays for about 3-4 hours. Since we are faster than humans, so we do not need to take classes as long as humans." Luna explained. "I see." Scarlet simply replied. "I hope it will end soon." She said in her mind.

At first, Scarlet was listening to the teacher. As they were vampires, they were studying the history of vampires, instead of humans'. As she had already known, the vampires came from the royal pureblood. However, not many of the said pureblood families left in this age. It was all reduced in a way that happened more than 10.000 years ago. Scarlet could not even think if she had even been born anytime near that. The war was happening between the pureblood and the vampire hunters., much like what was still happening now the vampire hunting. The only difference now was that there were at least some people who were hoping peace between humans and vampires, and that was even the reason why this academy was built.

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