« VII : Zero Secret for One Plus Two or Three <Pt.2> »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: Second part is up! I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Geez! Where did he go... That Zero?" Yuki muttered as she walked around the town looking for Zero as she had lost sight of him. She kept on walking around the town, and her heartbeat slowly fasten and she just had to fasten his pace as well as she did not like walking around the town alone. It just made her felt scared for some reason. So from walk turned to run and she suddenly hit someone on her way. "I-I'm sorry!" She bowed apologetically to them without even looking at them and ran away again. Unknown to her, it was someone she should not have met at all. She then came to a stop at the center of the town where there was a bench and she had to take a rest there. "This is lame... I thought I was over it already... But when I'm all alone..." She thought in her mind as she looked around. Her heartbeat pounded and she recalled the bad memories she had. "I recall...That red." She thought, shuddering at the memory. As she hugged herself trying to comfort herself, and just like that something red flashed in front of her eyes. She followed it and saw a little boy was holding a red balloon before it got stuck at the tree. Yuki sighed before she stood up and helped the kid to get the balloon back. "Here!" She handed him the balloon to the boy but he just ran away. So, in confusion, she chased after him.

Meanwhile, Zero was in a ramen shop and got a free extra from the owner for he looked depressed. He was about to eat it when he heard a scream. Knowing well the voice, he dropped his chopsticks and quickly ran off to the owner of the voice. Outside, Yuki was being chased by the little kid who turned out to be a vampire, and she had screamed due to being bitten. She was running away from the boy when she met the other vampire, who turned out to be the girl she had bumped on before when she was running. She ran into a certain abandoned building and ran to the top floor. "What was that? A vampire....? No! After all... The vampires I know are all beautiful... and adored by everyone..." She thought in her mind as she remembered how the kid had looked scary compared all the other night class students. She shuddered again as her memory resurfaced. "Scared... I'm scared..." A voice within her said. "I adore them." She thought as a flash of Kaname showed up in her mind. "The vampire is going to eat me." The voice spoke again and she remembered how she was attacked by a vampire before and saved by Kaname. "No!" She grabbed her Artemis rod as her face was filled with determination despite how scared she was. She stood up and turned her back to the open glassless window, where outside there was the female vampire waited for her. But then, Zero came and the vampire turned to him and attacked him instead.

Zero's reflexed had saved him as he quickly kicked the vampire away, breaking one of the wooden doors on one of the abandoned building. "So, you've reached the state where you even lost your human state, huh?" He commented as he took out his Bloody Rose. The vampire stood up again and ran after him. He readied his Bloody Rose but hesitated to kill it, not until when the vampire stopped right in front of him and said, "A com...rade...? A comrade." He frowned and clicked his tongue annoyed. "Shut up!" And he shot her down, leaving her to dust. Then behind her, the little kid showed up. He suddenly remembered about something from the past and again hesitated to kill it. "Ichiru...?!" He called out. "Zero! Shoot it!" A voice suddenly shouted out to him as she just arrived at where they were. But Zero was too slow as the kid began laughing and head to the top of the building where Yuki was in. "Oh no!" A voice said again and Zero turned to find it was Scarlet. "Let's go! Yuki is inside!" She was about to run to the building when a scream could be heard. She wasted no time ran to the building with Zero.

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