« XX : What Lies Behind the White Snow »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


The next day, the vampires had returned back from the Aido's Household. However, too bad for Scarlet, Luna had seemed to return yet, and it seemed like Shiki Senri had not returned back yet either, along with Ichijou Takuma who had been summoned by his grandfather. The three guardians were standing in front of the academy to greet the night class students back. Scarlet was not sure why they needed to do it too, but she just went anyway after Yuki had pulled her along. "Welcome back, Kaname-senpai." Yuki greeted as soon as the night class students, led by Kaname had arrived at the academy. "Thank you, Yuki." Kaname replied with a smile as he stopped in front of her.

"Welcome back, Kaname-senpai, and everyone else." Scarlet greeted too with her stoic face. "Thank you too, Scarlet." He turned to look at her giving her a smile as well. "Hmm... Seeing your face like this again really reminds me of Senri." Rima suddenly commented as she looked at Scarlet. "Hmm?" Scarlet asked confused. "Ah, it's nothing. I just haven't seen him in a while, so you just kind of remind me of him." She simply said. "Ah, alright." Scarlet simply replied too. The two had rarely talked, even almost never. However, the two did not have a bad relationship, nor they had a good one either because, yeah, almost to never talk.

"Right, this is for you, Yuki." Kaname then said as he handed her a souvenir from the break. "A rose that only bloomed once in ten years." He added as Yuki took the gift. "Thank you very much, Kaname-senpai." She said looking at the bottled rose in her hand then looked up at him with a smile. Kaname smiled back then turned to look at Scarlet who did not really expect that she would get a gift herself. "And this is for you, Scarlet." He then handed her a wrapped gift. "Hmm?" Scarlet received the wrapped gift but she looked pretty confused. It was quite big actually, much bigger than the one he gave Yuki, and she could feel it was soft and squishy. "What is this, Kaname-senpai?" She asked. "You can just open it." Kaname said still with a smiled.

"Hmm..." Scarlet then just mumbled slowly as she unwrapped the gift. Then, what she saw was kind of surprising to her. She took out a black rabbit doll out of the wrapping paper. She stared at it for a while before saying, "Thank you, I guess, Kaname-senpai." Scarlet said unsure. "Sure, you're welcome." Kaname simply replied smiling. "But why a rabbit doll?" Yuki was the one to ask. "Ah, since I bought her one before and I thought it would be lonely without a friend, so I bought a friend for her rabbit." He answered still smiling at her. But it only made Yuki and Scarlet blinked at his answer. "I did not know that Kaname-senpai would even think about something like that." Scarlet commented lowly as she brought the doll closer to her, inspecting it and realized it looked like her other rabbit doll that Kaname had bought for her long time ago.

"Well, you're the one who told me about it, though." Kaname simply said earning a tilt of the head from Scarlet. "I did?" She asked out her confusion. But Kaname did not reply anymore instead he just smiled at her without saying anything. Scarlet was left alone with her confusion when she noticed that the rabbit was wearing something around his neck. "Um... Kaname-senpai, this is...? It's with the rabbit but I don't think it came from him, right? I mean it doesn't look really matching with Kuro." She asked as she took out to what seemed like a necklace from the rabbit which she had decided to name it as Kuro as she held the rabbit tightly on her other hand. "Oh, that's also for you." Kaname simply said then glad that she finally noticed the necklace. In the background, Akatsuki, Yuki, and Zero shared similar thoughts, "She had named the rabbit. She had taken a liking to it."

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