« XXV : What Lies Behind »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"No, I'm not leaving you behind anymore." Luna said as her eyes began to tear up. "Luna?" Scarlet asked confusedly. But before she could ask any further than that, she saw the couple she saw in the evening prior and was currently up at the roof of the building. "What're they doing there?" Scarlet asked as she watched them carefully making Luna also turned to look at what she was looking at. Not having a clear view she thought, Scarlet moved closer to them silently, even silencing Luna who tried to stop her. Once she got close enough, yet hidden enough, she continued watching them and finally saw what was about to happen.

Kaname had brought Yuki along with him to the roof of the building when it started to snow. "I wonder... Why is the snow red...?" Yuki began mumbling, not being fully awakened after she lost her consciousness before. "Yuki, let's wake you up before you break." Was Kaname's simple reply before he dipped down to her neck and bit her. Realizing what was happening to her, Yuki was awoken and she tried to squeal when Kaname covered her mouth while drinking her blood until she lost consciousness once again. He then bit his own wrist to take some of his blood before he gave it to Yuki mouth to mouth.

Did not want to believe what she had just seen, Scarlet could only watch in horror as Kaname finished feeding Yuki his own blood. Somehow Scarlet just felt like throwing up after seeing what he had done, but then again, she did not really know how blood tasted like. Seeing all the scenes that were happening too fast for her, her heart began thumping loudly, not because of excitement, or jealousy on what she had seen, well perhaps a little bit, but it was all drowned in another feeling she could not really describe. The feeling she felt back then when she tried to take over her body and then her body heated up, and it was no different now. She had begun panting but had tried to hold it in all-out as she continued watching the couple. Luna was worried beside her but she had told her not to worry and to stay quiet.

"Yuki... Do you know who I am?" Kaname then asked as he saw Yuki opening her eyes. "You are..." Yuki reached up to caress his cheek while a tear started rolling down her own cheek. She was about to continue when she heard another manly voice coming up from the top of the building. "I smelt Yuki's blood, so I came...and then I smelt... Two vampires!" Zero said as he pointed his gun to Kaname. "You, you've turned Yuki!" He shouted readying to shoot Kaname down. "Wait, Zero!" Yuki quickly stood up and shielded Kaname. "Kaname-senpai is... He is... My brother." And after that, Yuki fell unconscious again and Kaname easily caught her from behind. "Siblings?" Zero asked disbelief. Behind her hiding spot, Scarlet was as surprised, surely she did not expect that either.

"Yuki was, undoubtedly the daughter of Haruka and Juri of the Kuran family. What would you do now that you know Yuki is a pureblood vampire like me?" Kaname asked as he looked up to Zero who got frozen in his stead and was unable to do anything. So, Kaname left with Yuki leaving him alone on top of the building. On his way, Scarlet suddenly showed up before him. "Kaname...senpai..." She called out slowly. Kaname watched her silently as she saw Luna was standing behind her glaring at him. "Did what you say just now...true?" She asked making sure of what she just heard. "Yes." Kaname simply replied. "I see..." It took some seconds for her to reply but she managed to let out a short reply. "However, that still does not change the fact that she's also my sister." She added looking at him with her stoic face which was also her serious face. "I see. Thank you, Scarlet." Kaname said thanking her with a smile before walking pass by her and Luna with Yuki in his arms as he made his way to the Moon Dorm.

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