« XV : The Vampires' Gala »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


The next morning, Yuki was going out with her best friend, Yori. They were supposed to go shopping, but Yuki's mind was not onto it. Her mind was drifting off somewhere else, to a certain someone and a certain incident that happened the night before. "Haahhh..." Yuki sighed in depression as she remembered what she had told Kaname last night.

-A little flashback from the night before-

"Thank you, Kaname-senpai." Yuki said. "Thank you... But, Zero is not the one who killed Hiou Shizuka." She added as she looked at Kaname with a serious face.

"Sure. If Yuki says so, I will take it as that." Kaname replied with a smile on his face.

Yuki frowned slightly before she said again, "I'm serious."

"And I've always been serious if it concerns you too." Kaname simply replied.

Yuki seemed more annoyed, so she bluntly said, "I will not talk to Kaname-senpai again until you admit that Zero is not the one who killed her." And with that, she had left Kaname alone with Ichijou Takuma.

-End of Flashback-

"What's wrong, Yuki?" Yori asked looking at her best friend worriedly. "Ah... I-it's nothing." Yuki answered as she laughed nervously. "Well, we should go now before the market is closed." Yori said, trying to encourage her best friend. "Right! It's better to have fun now! Let's go-" Yuki said already firing up when she's suddenly stopped by someone. She looked down to find a boy who was pulling on her sleeve. "M-mom... I can't find her..." The boy said between his sobs.

"Ah, Yori-chan, I will take him to his mom, sorry, but can you go alone?" Yuki asked apologetically to Yori. "Are you sure, Yuki? Do you want me to go with you?" She offered as she was worried too. "It's alright. You better go soon before the shop is closed." Yuki said with a smile on her face. "Alright then." Yori hesitantly said before the two walked separately.

"Are you sure it is this way?" Yuki asked as she had been following after the boy. He had brought her further from the market so that she was unsure. "Yes, it is near already." The boy answered as he kept on leading her. Then, not too long after that, they stopped. "Ah, you can stop here, big sister. I can find my own way from here." The boy said turning to look at Yuki with a smile. "Are you sure? I can take you all the way to your mother." Yuki replied still getting worried about him. "Ah, you really are such a kind person, big sister." The boy spoke again as he walked up to her. "Huh?" Yuki was surprised as he suddenly kissed her cheek. "Thank you, big sister." And with that, the last thing Yuki could see was the little boy standing above her smiling to her.

Unknown to the two, on the other part of the street, someone else was watching everything. However, they did nothing as they just watched it all happened until Yuki was unconscious on the floor. Then, they saw some guys were walking up to her. They were wearing the night class uniforms, signing they were vampires from the academy. "Look, Hanabusa." One of the guys with orange hair said. "I found Cross Yuki who for some reason had slept in the middle of the way." He continued as he turned to look at Hanabusa who later also looked at the girl laying on the floor, then their view moved to the other guy wearing black attire. "What a troublesome kid." The guy in black commented as he watched the sleeping girl before carrying her up bridal style. The silent watchers then followed them to the building they were heading.

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