« XIX : Shattered Memory»

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


A little girl had found herself being grasped by one of the creatures she had been running from. She did not really know the reason why she had been chased away. She could not even remember how she got caught. She did not even remember where she was, or who she was. So, she did not know either what was the creature that had caught her. However, she knew that it was not a good one, because, she then saw how horrifying it was, as it opened its mouth, and she could see a pair of long, sharp fangs.

"N-no... No..." The little girl cried out as the creature moved his face closer to her neck. "Wh-what're you going to do?" She asked between her cries, and as for her answer, she could feel a wet, cold, and sharp thing on her neck. Then, before she knew it, she had yelped out aloud as she felt pain from the same place she had felt those same things on her neck just a second before. "Aaahhh!!" She cried out in pain as she felt something was boring deep on her neck. "No! NO!!" She cried out some more as tears strolled down on her cheeks.

"Someone... Someone... Help me..." She cried out more as her voice slowly died down along with her consciousness, but her tears had yet to stop as she fell into the darkness after the red color that filled her last vision before her consciousness was gone.


Scarlet woke up abruptly on her bed as she was panting hard, and for some reason, she was even sweating a lot. Then, she heard someone knocked on her door. "Come in." She simply replied as she wiped away her sweats and calmed herself down. "Good morning, Scarlet. How're you feeling?" Yuki asked as soon as she got into her room. "Morning, Yuki. I'm doing fine already. What about yourself?" She asked back to her since she knew Yuki was not looking like how she had always looked like. "Eh? Me? I'm fine too, I guess." Yuki answered, not even sure herself. "Well, then you should get ready. I'll prepare breakfast for you." She said again before walking back to the door. "Alright. Thank you." Scarlet thanked her before she closed the door.

Scarlet then sighed as she saw Yuki gone. Actually, he was indeed doing fine for now, but somehow, something just did not feel right inside her. So, she had sat down on her bed for another minute to figure out what was it. But, seeming to not finding the answer, she just brushed it off and headed to the bathroom. After a good hot shower she had, she headed out to the dining room to eat breakfast with Yuki and Zero as usual. They were talking as usual, but then, the topic changed suddenly.

"Well, actually Scarlet, we are planning to visit the hunter society today." Yuki was the one to start the topic. "Huh?" Scarlet turned to look at her. "What are you guys gonna do there?" She asked again. "Actually, last night, I was trying to remember about my past. However, it did not turn out well." Yuki said as she tried to smile but turned into a sad smile instead. "So, you're going to the library to look up at what had happened in the past?" Scarlet asked, guessing. "Yes. About ten years ago to be exact." Yuki nodded her head at the question.

"Ten years ago?" Scarlet asked and Yuki nodded again. "It was the time when I had my first memory. When Kaname-senpai had saved me." She explained. "Oh... Right... You came before I did." Scarlet mumbled under her breath. "Alright. I'll come with you then." She then said after she finished her breakfast. "What time are we leaving?" She asked. "Right after this." Yuki answered giving her a smile. "Thank you, Scarlet." She added. "It's nothing. I might find something too." She said adding the last part in a very low voice. "What's it?" Yuki asked as she could not hear the last part. "It's nothing." She repeated, but only the first part of her answer.

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