« XVIII : A Guest »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


It had been a week since Scarlet had returned and became the volunteer for the joint system. Apparently, even though she was not really having any problems while attending the night class, the system still could not be applied to the other students. The reasons were simple because the vampires were still seeing humans as foods. This meant it needed a long time before vampires and humans could co-join.

The only reason Scarlet was not having any problem was that she was Scarlet. She did not really care about the vampires staring at her for a long time, and she could protect herself too. Not that she needed to, though, as Luna always stayed beside her, and if not, Kaname would act. So, it could only happen with Scarlet, and perhaps the other guardians, but not with other normal human beings. Even so, Scarlet was still attending both day class and night class as per se the deal between her and Luna.

However, she finally could get some rests, as the academy was having their break. So, most of the students had returned to their respective homes. Only some students stayed at the academy, including Yuki, Zero, Scarlet, and Hanabusa Aido. The other vampires were having their break at the Aido's household, except for Shiki Senri, who had returned to his own house after meeting his granduncle at the vampire gala last time who told him to return home once in a while, so, he did then. However, Hanabusa was not feeling like returning home, so he instead had stayed at the academy. Meanwhile, Luna had apparently return back to her homeland, where she did not really tell Scarlet about the exact location, though. But, Scarlet was feeling relieved at least that she could be free from her for the time being.

But, just as when she was about to rest, she just had to deal with a certain blonde vampire left in the academy. "Well, so what's he doing here?" Scarlet asked as she watched the vampire sat down on the sofa then turned to look at the other two guardians. "Beats me." Zero simply said seeming annoyed. "I found Hanabusa-senpai was standing in front of the boy's dorm when I was walking around." Yuki answered her instead. "And then, why bring him here?" Scarlet asked again directly. "Since he can't stay in the boy's dorm of course." Yuki simply answered with a smile on her face.

"No, I mean... Why did he even go to the boy's dorm in the first place?" Scarlet asked again pointing to the vampire sitting on the sofa. "Well, I'm running away from the moon dorm and home." He answered in Yuki's stead nonchalantly. Scarlet then turned to look at him. "Running away?" She asked almost disbelieved. "Why would you even do that, Hanabusa-senpai?" She then asked him in person directly. "Because..." He paused then continued with his usual teasing tone, "I want to meet you, Scarlet-chan~" Scarlet kept on her blank face then simply replied. "Right... But I'm not staying at the boy's dorm, Hanabusa-senpai."

Hanabusa then chuckled. "Well, I'm hungry." He then simply said changing the topic. Yuki quickly backed away from him. "I'm not tasty at all, senpai." She said as she hid behind the wall. "Don't worry, I can eat human foods too." And with that, the three prepared foods for him. Well, most like Zero cooked the foods, Yuki was serving him, and Scarlet only sat on the other empty chair not really doing anything else. "So, Hanabusa-senpai, can you tell me the truth now?" She then asked as Yuki just finished serving him the last plate before the next round came as he had yet to feel full.

"Is it about Kaname-senpai?" She quickly added even before Hanabusa could open his mouth to answer. Hanabusa was frozen for only a while before he put down the utensils. "Well..." He began. "I was only thinking that Kaname-sama has been hiding something. I mean, don't you feel that he is doing something secretly?" He then spoke out his worries. "I think that is very much like him." Scarlet simply said. "Hmm, I think so too." Yuki then joined in. "But, don't you guys care about what he's planning?" Hanabusa then asked the two of them. "Curious, perhaps. But, well, everyone has a secret or two of their own." Scarlet answered. "I think it's better to trust him." Yuki simply answered with a smile on her face. "Even if he might betray you one day?" The question was now more directed to Yuki. "Yes. I will still trust him." She replied almost instantly and with such determination. Outside of the dining room, Zero was leaning his back on the wall as he listened to the whole conversation.

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