« XIII : Good Kids Should Return Before Midnight »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Wait. I would like to ask her for a dance." And with that, the three girls were looking at him with different expressions. Yuki was looking at him with surprised, Luna with a glare, and Scarlet was looking as expressionless as ever. "May I?" He asked again. "No. Did you not hear that Scarlet is tired already?" Luna answered in Scarlet's stead. "I do not mind." Scarlet simply said, surprising both Luna and Yuki. "But, Scarlet-" Luna was about to protest when Scarlet cut her off. "I will dance with you again after this if you want?" She proposed, even though she did not really mean it. But, that was the only chance, she thought. Luna growled for a while before nodding her head. "Fine! But, just once, okay, and make it soon!" She stated. "I got it. So, would you mind to let go of me already?" Scarlet said as she looked at her hands both still being held by Luna and Kaname.

Luna had thought that she was talking to Kaname, so she had not released it, but then Scarlet spoke up her name, "Luna." and that was her cue, so she let it go hesitantly. Right after Luna let go of her hand, Scarlet was immediately being pulled by Kaname that it surprised not only her but the other girls too. "Well, then, I will borrow her for a while. Yuki, I'll talk to you again after this. Wait for a while, okay?" Kaname said to Luna before turning to Yuki who just nodded her head obediently. Then Kaname brought Scarlet to the balcony on where he and Yuki had their dance before.

Once at the balcony, Scarlet sighed. "Thank you, Kaname-senpai. You saved me." She said as she thought Kaname had only said that because he got her hidden SOS. Well, he might do it because of that, but he also wanted to dance with her for real, so he said, "I also meant it when I asked you for a dance." He simply stated as he was looking at Scarlet straight in the eyes, but Scarlet immediately turned to look away from him. "Well, aren't you supposed to ask Yuki instead?" She asked as she looked at Yuki, who was talking with Luna inside the ballroom, from the balcony.

"I have danced with her, and now..." Kaname started as he brought her face to look back to him. "I'm asking you to dance with me too." He finished as he enveloped her in his arms suddenly that it surprised her. Scarlet was silent for a while before she spoke up, "Well, I have said I do not mind." She answered lamely as she did not know what else to say. But, that was enough to make Kaname smiled to her and she had to look away to hold herself from blushing from his smile. "J-just make sure you don't twirl me around too much like Luna did, Kaname-senpai." She added as she tried to calm herself down.

"Don't worry. I am not as rough as her." He whispered to her ear and that made her shuddered, and somehow she felt somewhat weak. "Damn! What's happening to me?!" She mentally screamed to herself as she closed her eyes, shaking off any feelings she might be having. "Anyway, I was really surprised to see you here." Kaname spoke again as they had begun their slow dance since Scarlet seemed like she was too speechless to talk. "Ah, yeah... I had to come to a deal with Luna to let me out of that place." Scarlet answered as their body clung to each other, following the dance steps.

"That place?" Kaname asked curiously. Scarlet nodded. "I don't know where it is though. I was brought here in a car too, so I'm not too sure." She admitted. On her way here, she could not really see anything as it was already dark, and the car's windows were covered by the curtains too. "What kind of deal did you make with her?" He asked again as their dance was still ongoing. "Hmm... It was a pretty simple deal." Scarlet answered, without going any further to the details. "Tell me?" He tried, and Scarlet sighed, knowing he would ask that. "What if I said no?" Scarlet tried too. "Is it something embarrassing?" He tried to guess. Scarlet got silenced. "It is then?" He pestered on. "For me only, I guess." She admitted then. "Try me." He simply stated. "Well..." Scarlet began but was hesitant.

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