« XII : When the Clock Strikes XII O'Clock »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Princess... Princess... Where are you?" Called a maid as she was looking for the little princess who was supposed to be at the hall right now. "Princess!" She tried again. But there was no answer, so she moved to another place. As soon as she closed the door to the room, laughter could be heard from inside the room. But, The Maid had walked away from the room that she could not catch on the voice. Too bad for her, as the owner was the person she was looking for.

"Kuhuhu..." The laughter became louder as a little girl got out from the wardrobe where she used as a hiding place. "Thankfully she was not as clever as you, Maya." She said as she got out of the wardrobe, followed by the playmate she had thought as her own sister. Maya sighed as she too got out of the wardrobe. "Pri-Luna, shouldn't you be down at the hall? This party is for you after all." She said as she cleaned her dress and the princess' gown.

"Ehh~ but it's boring out there. Playing hide and seek is better~!" The Princess said gleefully. Maya sighed again. "What will happen if the Queen found out you're not at the hall then?" She asked warning the princess who was quite stubborn. "Boo~ You're no fun, Maya. Don't worry! I will return before the clock strikes at midnight. Come on! Let's play again!" She said before pulling her playmate out of the room.



"Remember, Cross Yuki-kun! You absolutely can't fail the exams, okay?!" Came the warning from the class president to the brown haired girl right away in the morning as she was on her way to the class with her best friends, Yori, and her adoptive sister, Scarlet. "He sure seems pretty stern about it." Scarlet commented with her no expression mask plastered on her face. "Must be because of the ball." Yori answered. "The ball, huh?"

"Apparently, we would have to prepare for the ball if our class got the lowest score for the exams." Yori explained again. "Hee~" Scarlet monotony answered. "The class president will definitely get mad if he won't be able to attend the ball to dance with Ruka-san." Yuki commented and shuddered at the thought. "Well, then, you better study hard, Yuki." Scarlet said turning to look at her still looking expressionless. "What? What about you, Scarlet? Will you be okay?" Yuki asked turning to look at Scarlet. "Hmm... besides maths I guess I will do pretty fine." She said proudly but still not being shown in her face. "Then, you should study hard in maths too, Scarlet." Yori commented as she laughed along with Yuki. "Hmph..." Scarlet simply brushed it off.

It had been some days after the incident between the new teacher and Zero. Somehow, it ended up like the new teacher never really had any intention to kill Zero. He was just annoyed with how weak Zero had become. Then, he left Zero in Yuki's hands. After that incident, another problem came brewing, and it was right before the exams and the ball too.

There was another new transfer student to the academy, and she was a vampire, nonetheless. Her name was Kurenai Maria, and somehow, she looked like a problem. For some reason, she had been having her hands on Yuki, and Zero who had seemed to hate her for another reason for her being a vampire had always made sure Yuki did not get near her. Scarlet herself had thought that there was something with the new transfer student. But, she could not really picture it. Whenever she tried to inspect her, Luna would always disturb her and distract her away from the transfer student, much like how Zero had kept Yuki away from her.

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