« XVI: Trial and Error »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


After the vampire gala, everything went by as usual. The routines were as always. Classes in the morning, guardian duty in the afternoon until night. However, it was unusual when suddenly the Headmaster had something to announce. "What?! You want to make a new system whether the students can attend both day and night class???" Both Zero and Yuki asked at the same time, with different tones. "Mhm~ What do you guys think?" The headmaster had asked it innocently as it was not a big deal.

"What do we-..." Zero sighed. "I oppose it. The night class is filled with all those vampires. I know your dream is to unite vampires and humans together, but this is..." He sighed again as he was even unable to finish his answer. "I don't think it is a good idea either." Yuki joined in. "What? Even Yuki? I thought you'll be glad about this new system?" The headmaster was looking at Yuki with a sad look. "What? Why would you think so?" Yuki asked, and soon regretted it. "Well, since there's Kaname-ku-" His words were stopped as soon as Yuki slammed her hands on the table. "Th-that has nothing to do with it!" She quickly replied without even letting him finish it. Then he stole a glance at Zero who had no reaction to it. She just sighed, unsure whether to feel relieved or not.

"Anyway, I think this idea is too sudden. We can't suddenly throw the day class students to the night class or vice versa." Yuki then reasoned out continuing with her answer before. "Yes, of course, I know that. That is why I would like to do a trial and error first." The headmaster said pointing up his finger as his smile grew. "Trial and Error?" Zero and Yuki asked again. "Yes. So, there would be a week trial on whether this system could work or not." He answered.

"And how does this trial work?" Zero asked. "It's simple~ I will choose at least one student to be the guinea pig~" He nonchalantly said with an innocent face. "Huh? Wait, you can't just throw someone in there, Headmaster!" Yuki commented immediately. "Don't worry, don't worry. I've chosen someone with experience~" He said again gleefully. "Eh, don't tell me... It's one of us?" Yuki asked again sweat dropping. "Indeed~ Oh, you really are my daughter! So clever!" The headmaster praised her proudly. "No, wait... We can't... I mean, you know how Zero is with vampires... and well... I-I don't really mind but..." Yuki said then began mumbling at the end.

"Yuki can't either." Zero simply answered ignorantly. "Yeah, I know right." Yuki laughed nervously before she sighed. She knew Zero would never agree if she was the one to be chosen. "Well, I've counted that too~ So, well, actually I had a volunteer~" The headmaster began. "Really? Who is it?" Zero asked curiously. Then suddenly, all eyes went to the person who answered, "It's me." A girl with reddish-black hair walked into the room, wearing a white uniform on her body.

"Sc-Scarlet?!" Yuki called out in surprise. "What're you- Wait that isn't really important now. Where have you been?" She asked as she walked up to her all worried and relieved to see her. "Hmm... I'm not sure either." Scarlet simply answered with her still expressionless mask on. "Luna would never tell me." She added nonchalantly. "Well, all that matters is that you're alright!" Yuki then hugged her. "Yeah..." Scarlet simply replied returning the hug. "I'm glad all of you are alright too." She said.

"We are fine. So, what do you mean you're volunteering?" Zero then asked, cutting down all the unnecessary talks. "Hmm, it means as it means." She simply answered as Yuki had let her go. "But, why would you-?" Yuki's words were interrupted as Scarlet answered her unfinished question immediately. "Since I knew the two of you would not do it. Or at least one definitely does not want to, while the other one wants to but is opposed by the first one." She explained, still looking as expressionless as always.

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