« IV : St. Xocolat's Day »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: As promised, today is the day for the next chapter~!  I thank everyone who makes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


The day had finally come. The day that had been waited by, not only the girls, but also the boys, the students of the Cross Academy had finally come. It was the St. Xocolat's Day, a day where people would give chocolates to those they love and care about. Unlike the Valentine's Day, not only girls who could give chocolates, but also the boys. Though, up until now, it was still mostly girls who gave while boys received. Still, this event was still waited and loved by everyone in the academy, especially the day class students. As today, they could get closer to their idols of the night class students by giving them chocolates. But this day was one of the busiest days to the three disciplinary committees.

"Alright, everyone... Please be patient and none get out of the lines!" Yuki shouted from the top of the gate. "Hey, you girls! Don't climb on the wall!" She shouted to the two girls who were trying to climb up the wall to get through to the night class dorm. The shout though had surprised the girls, making them lost balance. The girl on top was almost fell to the ground if Zero did not come in time to catch her. "Zero! Nice catch!" Yuki said to him smiling in relief. Zero said nothing of it as he put the girl down quickly. "Everyone please behave or this event might be canceled!" Zero threatened the students once again and as always, it worked. "You don't have to make the girls turned to hate you, though, Zero." Yuki mumbled as she sighed still disagreeing with the way he handled it, though she was thankful for it.

Meanwhile, in the night class dorm, the students were talking to themselves. "It sure is very noisy today." Akatsuki commented as he was sitting on the sofa. "Well, it is after all the St. Xocolat's Day." Hanabusa answered for him nonchalantly as usual. "Why is the name even Xocolat... It's pretty weird already. Isn't it usually Valentine?" Kain commented once again. "Oh, I don't know that you care about stuffs like that." It was the long haired female vampire, Ruka, who answered this time. "Not really." He simply brushed it off now. "Shiki, are you going to join in as well?" Rima, the other girl with twin tails asked. "Hmm... It sounds like a pain." He truthfully said. "Don't worry, you will receive a lot of chocolates, Shiki." Another blonde vampire with green eyes called Takuma said to him as he walked down to the group. "Do you want to see who receive the most, Akatsuki?"It was Hanabusa who spoke this time to the guy beside him. "Oh man..." Akatsuki just shook his head disbelieved at what he said. Just then, Kaname walked down the stairs with his personal attendant, Seiren, walking behind him. "Kaname-sama!" Ruka immediately turned to look at him, her face brighten up. "Good morning, Kaname." Takuma greeted. Kaname gave them a smile as he asked, "Shall we go?" And then all of the night class students headed out to the gate.

Once the gate was opened, the squeals, and screams from the girls could be heard anywhere. Due to the event of the St. Xocolat's Day, the road was already decorated with small stands like gate, where behind the gates, there would be the girls from the day class who would give chocolates to the night class's students. "Oh, this looks like fun!" Hanabusa exclaimed with his eyes sparkling like a child. "I knew it would be a pain." Senri, the red haired guy answered with his stoic expression. "Don't say it like that..." Akatsuki spoke trying to cheer him up.

"Okay! The St. Xocolat's Day tradition! The female day class students are standing behind the gates. It'll be a race to see who can give out the most chocolate!" Yuki began explaining. "The night class students are to proceed to their assigned gates along the route, and accept as many chocolates as possible. Listen, this is no time to mess around! The girls here are all serious." Yuki finished her explanation, and almost immediately Hanabusa dashed off to the his assigned gate. "I gotta get 'em all!" He shouted as he dashed off. "Wait! Aido-senpai!" Yuki called off immediately, but he did not stop, so Kaname called out this time. "Aido. Mind your manners. Do you understand, right?" He gave him his usual threatening enough smile. Hanabusa immediately stopped mid-way and turned to look at him. "Y-yes, Dorm President Kuran." Yuki turned to look at Kaname and bowed down. "Th-thank you very much, Kuran-senpai." She bowed down before she ran to the middle of the gates on each side of the road. "As expected of Kaname-senpai." She thought in her mind smiling. "Then, let us begin! Ready!" She shouted and then blew her whistle, signing the beginning of the event.

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