« VI : Zero Secret for One Plus Two or Three <Pt.1> »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: New Chapter is finally here! I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Here we go... Tuna carpaccio garnished with tomato and parsley. My style. And filet of beef with whole vegetables and cream, my style! My own creations! My very own~!" The headmaster of the Cross Academy, Kaien Cross sang in the early of morning, as he served the breakfast for his three children, who were sitting at the dining table. He kept on singing and dancing happily as he went away to take something else.

"He summoned me this early of morning for this?" Zero sighed as he looked at the food in front of him with bored and sleepy expression. "I can't agree more." Scarlet joined in as she yawned. She was never a morning person after all, so it kind of annoyed her somehow. Though, it looked like it did not affect her adoptive sister, as she just ate the food innocently and said, "Hmm... Calling it his own creation is a bit too far, I guess." Zero and Scarlet both gave her a look. "That's not what I'm talking about." Yuki tilted her head slightly, asking, "Huh? What is it?" Scarlet just sighed as the answer, and the three of them turned their head as they heard, "Alright, say 'cheese'!"

Zero quickly brought his chopsticks which has a bulldog of potato on it to the front, covering his face. Scarlet quickly brought her hand up to cover her own face as well, while Yuki just closed her eyes as the flash of the camera was on after Kaien pressed the button. "Say... What's with you all of a sudden?!" Zero barked as he got annoyed already. Kaien though calmly replied as the photo was out from the camera. "It's a commemorative photo." Scarlet raised an eyebrow to him. "Today is the day you carry out your duties not as a Guardians, but as a true members of Disciplinary Committee. It's a day to celebrate." He gave the three a bright and innocent smile as he took out the photo and showed to the three. "Huh?!" All three of them replied confused.


Meanwhile, in the night class dorm...

"Unannounced dorm inspection?!" Hanabusa asked disbelieved. "I see. Thank you, Seiren." Kaname turned to look at the short, and purple haired girl behind him who bowed respectfully to him. "Seriously... You can't predict what that Headmaster's gonna do." Ruka complained crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Fine by me. It's not like there's something that we don't want him to see." Akatsuki turned to look at Senri as he spoke. "That's right... When it's spur of the moment, you can see how things usually are." Takuma joined in as he enjoyed his morning tea. "Ichijo-san... You didn't put away your underpants that you left on the floor." Senri turned to look behind him to see Takuma, still with his stoic expression. Takuma laughed softly. "It's okay. It's silk of the highest quality, sewn by top tailor. Those underpants can be left anywhere, and I wouldn't be embarrassed." He gave a big and bright smile, looking very proud. "That's not the problem, is it?" Ruka furrowed her eyebrows looking at him, disbelieved. Hanabusa just yawned as they spoke, then Akatsuki came to his ear and whispered, "Listen. Hanabusa." He began receiving a look from the sleepy Hanabusa. They then walked to Hanabusa's room.

"What's it, Akatsuki? I'm sleepy." Hanabusa complained as Akatsuki opened the door. He then moved to Hanabusa and pinned him to the wall. "Hanabusa, I won't say anything. Just let go of them." He told him seriously. "Them?" Hanabusa asked confusedly. Akatsuki then turned his head to look at what was behind him. "Even junk can look intimidating when lined up like this." He sighed moving away from Hanabusa as he looked at all the broken things, that could be called junks, that were collected by Hanabusa, with a look of disbelieved and concern. "Hey, what're you calling junk?" Hanabusa protested putting his hands on his hips. "That is my collection of precious items that were sacrificed when the Dorm President manifested his extraordinary power." He proudly exclaimed, too proud that it seemed like his nose had grew longer. Akatsuki took one of the said collections and commented again, "Even a used fork, huh?" He then turned to him, still looking at the bended fork. "Hanabusa... What if the Dorm President find these?" He asked and Hanabusa had quickly snatched the bended fork from him, looking annoyed. "I keep this collection out of respect and reverence for him." He defended himself, before he asked, looking at Akatsuki suspiciously, "Oh, or could it be that you want it? Well, too bad!" He turned to look away from him and immediately froze in place while Akatsuki answered him, "I don't want it." Then he turned too and was surpised as well.

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