« XXIX : Aftermath »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


Scarlet pointed her sword up to her enemy, Rido before calling out, "Amaterasu." Then suddenly a golden light came upon her sword that was pointed to Rido and it turned into a white fox god with orange fire surrounding its body and fur. Kaname and Rido watched as Scarlet crouched down to the same height as the fox. They surely did not know what she had done to summon a beast. It was unheard of vampires to be able to summon beasts to help them, and all they heard and saw was she only called out a name before the beast appeared. However, what they knew was that the beast was not as weak as it seemed to be like. "Amaterasu." Scarlet began as she began stroking and petting the said Amaterasu fox as if she was her pet. "I'm counting on you." And with only that, Scarlet stood up and walked a step back, confusing the other two present there. Then, almost immediately, the orange fired fox began charging at Rido, who was too stunned to move until it caught him and bit him up on his shoulder. "Be gentle. It's not our job to finish him off." Scarlet then said as she just watched with her expressionless face. "Right, Kaname-senpai?" She then turned to look at the speechless Kaname who could only be speechless.

As if on cue then suddenly a bullet came flying right through Rido's heart from behind him as he was being held down by Scarlet's fox. "Good job, Zero. I know you'll make it in time." She said then seeing another boy appeared after Rido suddenly turned into dust after his last words of "Curse you...!" Scarlet looked at the silver-haired boy for a while before she crouched back down as her fox walked back to her. "Good job to you too. Please have a rest." She smiled as she stroked her head gently as the fox returned back to a sword. After that, Scarlet stood back up, putting her sword back to its rightful place. She then saw Zero was pointing his gun to her, or perhaps to the vampire behind her, she was not sure until the latter spoke. "I know you'll be planning to kill me after you kill Rido with the new power you just acquired. However, I also know that you won't be able to pull the trigger." She heard Kaname said.

Zero ignored him and his furrows deepen when he readied himself to pull the trigger of Bloody Rose, yet everything happened according to how Kaname had said and planned all along, he was unable to pull the trigger in time when a voice called out his name. "Zero." That took his attention as he turned to see a girl he knew all too well until she was changed back to her true self. "Yuki," Scarlet called her name instead and it was then Yuki turned to look at her and saw Kaname was even there as well. "Scarlet... Kaname-senpai..." She called back reckoning the two. "Are you alright?" She asked suddenly, seeming just remembered the purpose of coming to that place. "Yes. You shouldn't worry about me." Scarlet simply said with a nod of her head. "Where are the others?" She asked then. "I guess they're still on their way." Yuki answered but then turned to look at Zero, though, not really saying anything.

Feeling it would turn very awkward and she did not like being trapped in such a situation, she excused herself. "Well, I'll go look for Maya first then. I'm sure she will be all worried and all after what had happened." With that, she went away by herself first, only to be stopped by Kaname grabbing her hand. "I'll also leave." He began, making the others turned to look at him. "Yuki, I'll come to talk to you once you've finished talking to him." He said before turning to look at Scarlet who looked confused. "Let's go." He simply said ignoring her look as he pulled her gently. "Ok." She simply said in the end, following after Kaname and leaving the two behind.

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