« III : The Dark Colored Heart »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: It's finally up! Really sorry for the long update! I thank everyone who makes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


The next day, everything had went like they every day lives. In the morning, Scarlet, Yuki, Zero, and along with all the day class students had their classes. In the afternoon after the class, they would all headed to the gate of the night class dorm for all different reasons. The day class students went there to look at the night class students, while the three disciplinary committees went there to stop them from being anarchist, and today was no different, if not being even worse.

"Oh my Go- Zero, please help me here!" Yuki shouted to Zero who was standing under the tree watching her doing her job on her own, as she was trying very hard to hold all the day class students down without being pushed down herself. "She's calling for you, you know." Scarlet nonchalantly said as she also was leaning back on the tree watching Yuki working hard to not being pushed by the day class students. "Why are you not going there yourself?" Zero asked turning to look at her raising his eyebrow. "Because it's not my time yet, and it'll be better if you're the one to help her too, right?" She asked back returning his look with her own emotionless look. Zero's eyebrow twitched slightly but then sighed. Running a hand through his hair, he involuntarily walked to help Yuki. Scarlet just silently watched and inwardly smirk at her victory. She knew that Zero would never let Yuki work hard alone, at least he never wanted to leave her alone.

"Okay everyone be quiet! The event hasn't even started yet and you guys are already..." Zero shouted and sighed as he stood beside Yuki who quickly turned to look at him. "Oh, Zero. Thank God. You should've come sooner." Yuki complained to him yet still smiled at him. "Why did you not ask Scarlet for help rather than asking me?" He asked back looking at her quite annoyed, after all he had come to her anyways. "W-well... I can't really ask her now after what happened last night, right?" She answered in a low voice to him, looking down. It was good that Zero could actually hear her, so he just sighed without saying anything else.

"Anyway... It sure is even more crowded today..." Yuki said as she looked at the day class students who almost filled the road to the night class dorm. "Must be because of that Xocolat day..." Zero simply answered nonchalantly looking away from the crowds. "Tomorrow will be tough." Yuki sighed knowing how well the next day would be even worse than today. "Don't worry I'll help out tomorrow too." Zero mumbled lowly under his breath not looking at her, but she could hear him clear enough and she smiled to him. "Thanks, Zero."

"Ehem... Sorry to disturb you two... But it's time already." The two turned their head to find Scarlet was standing in front of them. The two's cheeks flushed slightly but quickly regained their composures. "Scarlet, is it alright for you to be here now?" Yuki asked looking at her with her worried eyes. Scarlet nodded her head. "Yeah, nothing to worry about." She put her hand on top of Yuki's head, petting it gently. "Hey, I'm older than you." Yuki said pouting slightly as she let Scarlet's pet her head. "Nonsense. You just came earlier than me, but we are of the same age." Scarlet brushed it off as she kept on petting her head playfully. Before Yuki could complain again, she pulled her hand away and turned to look at the gate. "That's aside, we have work to do." She said still with her emotionless face, and as in cue, the gates were opened.

Just like usual, the screams could be heard through the way. "OK, no one get pass through the line, or the event tomorrow will be canceled." Zero threatened the students as he saw they had began pushing again. "Noo...!" Some of the girls screamed disagreeing with Zero. "Then just listen to him and don't even let your feet get out of the line." Scarlet said nonchalantly even without looking at them. "These two combos are just too impossible...!" Some of the students groaned. Yuki just laughed at the comment nervously. She sure glad that the two had helped her, but she was concern for the two, in many ways. She then saw that the night class students had walked to of the gate, creating more squeals from the day class student.

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