« V : A Night for Two »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: Chapter 5 is up now! I thank everyone who makes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Who's there?!" She turned to her back, holding her sword in hand just in case it was someone uninvited, dropping the chocolate in the process. "It's just me." A voice said and the owner walked out from the darkness of the woods to her. She released her sword and sighed. "It's just you... Kaname...-senpai." She turned to look at the lake once again letting him stood beside her.

"What're you doing this late of a time?" He asked her as he claimed his spot beside her. "Just need fresh air." She simply said still with her stoic face. "You should really get rid of that mask. You're looking more and more like Shiki." He commented even without the need to look at her. "Well, like I said before... This is more comfortable." She answered nonchalantly then she sat down on the ground, facing the lake that reflected the moon. Just now then that Kaname turned to look at her. "You used to be a cheerful kid too." He sighed as he took a sit beside her. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow to him. "What? It is true, though." He spoke up as he thought she did not believe her. "Well, that is not true. But that's not really what surprised me." She replied. "Then what is it?" He asked looking at her. "I'm just surprised you would even sit down on the grass, the ground, without any covering or pillow."

Kaname was now who was caught off guard. "Really? You are talking about that instead?" Scarlet just shrugged. "Seriously, you are really..." He sighed. "Why are you here as well, Kaname-senpai?" She asked back to him. "Hmm... I was on my way to the headmaster's office when I smelled you." He bluntly said without looking at her, but she turned to look at him, giving him the same look from before. "That sounds... Gross...and somehow perverted..." She commented. "You're the one taking it that way." He easily countered. Scarlet's eyebrow twitched slightly. She hated it how she could never won against him with words. "Then, shouldn't you be on your way already? It's getting late." She returned the topic to where it begin. "Then you should return as well. You shouldn't be out at this late of time alone." He countered again. "I'll be fine." She simply replied. He sighed. "Why're you so stubborn?" He asked disbelieved and she just shrugged again.

"Come on. I'll take you to your room as well." He stood up, cleaning his uniform by patting it gently before pulling Scarlet up. She looked up at him and sighed, standing up herself. "Oh, what's that?" She heard him asked as he walked to near the lake, then he picked up something. She looked at what he picked up and her eyes widen slightly. She searched around her pocket and she could not find what she was looking. Well, of course, because what she was looking for was now in the hand of the guy in front of her. "Is this a chocolate?" He walked back to her holding the box of chocolate in his hand. "Is it yours?" He asked again looking up at her who turned to look away. Seeing she did not gonna answer it, he spoke again. "Well, I guess it is. It has your smell in it." That got her attention as she quickly turned to look at him and he was quite surprised to see her cheeks flushed slightly. "Don't smell on me or my things!" She fumed up and was about to take the chocolate back before he pulled it away from her. She raised an eyebrow to him.

"Aren't you going to give it to me?" Kaname proudly asked, without even the hint of any embarrassment or fear of being wrong. "Huh?" Scarlet furrowed her eyebrows looking at him in disbelief. "Why're you thinking so?" She asked back. "Since you gave one to each of the night class students, right? Though this one looks pretty different from the others." He brought the box of chocolate up to inspect it. Scarlet still wore her stoic face as she asked again. "And, why do you think that, that chocolate is yours? Do you perhaps want one from me?" A smirk now was shown on her face, and he knew she was going to tease him. But, being a Kaname Kuran he was, he of course would not fall for it. "If I say yes?" That was a pretty simple reply, but that sure got her quiet and her smirk was gone completely, replace by her boring and stoic expression again. "You've got one from Yuki, though, and I thought that's enough for you?" She asked looking straight at him, not showing any emotion on her face. Yet, somehow Kaname could see it in her eyes. He sighed before he spoke up, "Oh, so I was right. It was you behind the tree." She blinked then her expression was unreadable, between confusion, surprised, and perhaps, fear? Why would she be afraid of anything, though? Kaname could not figure it out but he just knew what she was going to ask so he just added before she asked, "From your smell." Scarlet rolled her eyes again and muttered a "I know it." He let out a low chuckle.

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