« IX : Young Old Friend »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!



"Run... Run away...as far as you can."


"Hurry! Run away from here!"


"I'm sorry! Please stay alive! I will call for help!"


"Be safe...and find a happy life."



Scarlet was awoken in a dark room she knew all too familiarly. Her eyes opened slowly and she could see someone was sitting beside her bed. "Hmmm.....?" She mumbled lowly feeling slightly confused. "Good morning...?" She asked the person sitting beside her bed confused. "It's still night time." Answer the person sighing. "I thought I told you to take a break from your job..." He began. "But I did not mean for you to go to the town, hunting down the Level E Vampires yourself." He added.

Scarlet only listened to him as she tried to sit up, but somehow feeling pain all over her body. "Ugh..." She grunted lowly. "You should not move too much. You might not feel it when you were fighting, but your body just took some damages. You should rest up." He spoke again sternly. Scarlet could just sigh. "Did you bring me back?" She asked without really looking at him. "Unfortunately, it's not me who found you." His answer shocked her that she turned to look at him finally.

Scarlet was now facing the one and only leader of the night class students, the Kuran Kaname who was looking at her. "What was that? Worried? Nah, it's impossible." Scarlet thought to herself as she thought she saw Kaname's expression changed slightly when she suddenly turned to look at him. "Then, who...?" She did not have to finish her question as someone else came into the room. "It was Luna-chan who saved you, Scarlet."

She turned her head to the door to see the headmaster walking with a young girl around her age besides him. The girl had short hair with the color of black, she guessed, and her eyes, they were red? Scarlet was not sure since it was too dark and she was too far. "Seriously, Scarlet. I did not give you permission for you to do that. I thought you need a break so I permitted you. But, if I knew you would-" His words were cut off by Scarlet herself.

"I got it, I got it... I'm sorry, headmaster. I would not do it again. Sorry to worry you." She said as she sighed before turning to Kaname. "I'm sorry too, Kaname-senpai." She apologized to him, although she was unsure whether he was worried about her or not. Kaname just stayed silent looking at her not really saying anything else. She did not really like him looking at her like that, so she turned back to look at the headmaster and the girl called Luna.

"Um, so... Luna, is it...? Thank you for saving me." She said as she tried to get up again, but only to feel pain again. "Ah, it is alright, you do not need to wake up." The girl called Luna spoke as she walked up to her. "And it is no problem. I was passing by when I saw you." She said smiling to her. "I was also on my way to this academy when I saw your uniform too, so it was just a coincidence. You do not have to thank me." She added.

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