« XXX : Not so The End of The Journey »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


Yuki took some minutes to rest in her room after all the battles she had been through before she began packing up all her things. That was when a knock on her door was heard. "Come in." She said and the door was opened, revealing Kaname who was walking to her room and was surprised to see what she was doing. "What're you doing, Yuki?" He asked suddenly. "Eh? I'm packing my stuff. After all, aren't you going somewhere else, Kaname-senpai?" Yuki asked back and that only surprised him more. "Are you going to come with me?" He asked again. "Well, of course, I am. After all, Kaname-senpai has been staying with me all this time, so this time it's my turn to stay with you-" Yuki could not finish her words as she was hugged by Kaname. "Thank you, Yuki. Even though you could stay here if you wanted to." Yuki was taken aback by his sudden hug but then smiled and returned his hug. "I've decided to come with you, Kaname-senpai. I will never leave you again." She said warmly and the two hugged for some minutes.

Outside the room, a certain someone was listening to the two before she left them alone without making any sound. She walked outside the dorm towards the mountain and found the night class students were talking to each other. "Well, so, what're we going to do now?" Hanabusa asked. "We know now that Kaname-sama does not need us anymore after all this." He added. The others fell silent for a while, but Kaname's most loyal attendant replied almost immediately. "I'll go with Kaname-sama. No matter what he thinks of me, it does not matter. After all, he had saved my life, and I owe it to him. So I'm going to follow him forever, anywhere he goes, and whatever he does." Seiren said, making the others turned to her. "Eh?" Hanabusa sounded surprised at her honest reply. "I know right. I will also follow him." It was Ruka who said it then. Akatsuki just chuckled slightly before joining in. "Then, if you're going, I'm going to. After all, who would look after you if I'm not there?" He turned to smile at Ruka who blushed slightly but ignored him. "Shut up." She simply replied and he only chuckled more.

"Eh? What? Even you Akatsuki?" Hanabusa voiced out his surprise. "What? Are you not going to go too, Hanabusa?" Akatsuki turned to look at him raising his eyebrow. "I..." Hanabusa fell silent for a while before he took out a ball of marble he had been keeping with him for all those years and stared at it when he reminisced a past when Kaname had come to hand him the marble that had rolled to under his foot. He gripped on it and closed his eyes before he looked up and said with determination in his eyes. "Of course I'm going to! I'm his most loyal follower after all!" He said energetically. "I know right." Akatsuki said to him laughing while Ruka joined in. "Wh-what're you guys laughing about?!" He shouted in embarrassment as his cheeks turned reddish.

Behind them, Rima and Shiki were sitting on the other side of the fountain. "So, they said... What're you going to do, Shiki?" She asked turning to look at him. "Hmm... I'm going to find Ichijou-san." He said with his stoic face. "The vice-head dorm?" Rima asked making sure. "Mhm." Shiki replied simply nodding his head. "I'm sure he's still alive out there, and I'm going to find him. He's been keeping and taking care of my body when my father was controlling it after all." He said. "Hee~" Rima responded before she added. "I'll go with you then." She decided, making Shiki turned to look at her, and she just smiled at him. "I've to take care of you, right?" Shiki then just agreed to her.

A certain girl had been watching them all without making any noises so they did not discover her even until she left them all in silence. She continued her way to her own room then. She opened her door and saw another girl was packing all her stuff. "I'm sorry to have you packed all my stuff, Maya." She said as she walked up to her childhood friend. "Oh, it's nothing, Pri- I mean Luna." The other girl smiled at her as she closed her suitcase as she had finished packing. "Well, have you finished packing your stuff as well?" Luna asked as she sat down on her bed. "Yes. I'm all ready to go whenever you're ready." Maya replied smiling. "Right, about that..." Luna began, and Maya turned to look at her tilting her head slightly. After listening to her princess, her eyes' widened. "But, Princess-" She was about to protest but Luna cut her off. "It's Luna." She began, then added, "And it does not hurt to take some detours, right?" She smiled at her. Maya just sighed. "If that's what you wished for then." With that Luna's smile brightened.

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