« XXIII : Ego »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OCs and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


"Luna?!" Scarlet called out as she was suddenly hugged by the black-haired vampire she knew all too well as being a clingy vampire only to her. "You've returned?" She asked the obvious stuff. "Why, of course~ I'm sorry I took so long! You must've missed me, right~?" Luna then asked looking up at her with sparkling eyes. "Well, not really." Scarlet answered bluntly. "Aww~ you hurt me~!" She said as she acted hurt. "Right..." Was the only think Scarlet could reply with.

"Anyway, what's with all this commotion?" Luna then asked as she had released Scarlet as per her request, of course, else she would never let go of her. "Ah, it's because of that." Scarlet simply said pointing to Yuki who was sitting beside Kaname under the tree. "Eh?" Luna turned to look at what she was pointing at and when she saw it she asked again. "Why is he there at this time?" Her voice seemed to turn quite serious for a while, Scarlet thought. "They were having lunch together." Scarlet answered, then added, "As a couple."

Luna turned to her looking surprised. "Hee~" she then simply replied as her smile returned on her face but it seemed somewhat quite more vicious than usual to Scarlet's eyes. "Then? What are the two of you doing here?" She then asked to Scarlet and Zero. "Being their guards, I guess." Zero was the one to answer that. "Wow~" Luna simply sang. "Well, then, may I borrow Scarlet then? I don't think they will need two guards just to stop the day class students." She added as she clung onto Scarlet's arm. "Do as you wish." Was Zero's simple reply after he glanced at Scarlet for a while who still had her stoic face on. "Thank you~!" And with that, she had pulled Scarlet away from there.

"Wa-wait... Luna??" Scarlet called out confused as she was being pulled suddenly. The couple was watching the two as they left them. "So she has returned as well?" Kaname then spoke out, making Yuki turned to look at him. "Kaname-senpai?" She asked out her confusion. "It's nothing. You can enjoy the food, Yuki." He said turning to look at her with a smile. "No... Um, Kaname-senpai." She called out to him again. "You said you'd tell me when I've become your...lover." She said as she lowered her voice and face at the last part as she was too embarrassed to say it out loud. "Will you not tell me now?" She asked as she looked at him again. "No, not yet." He simply said with a smile on his face. "Then when? When will you tell me, Kaname-senpai?" Yuki asked as she began raising her voice, making Zero turned to look at her. "It is not the time yet, Yuki." Kaname simply said as he patted her head, which made Yuki fell silent once again, as she knew that he would not speak up even if she were to ask him even more. At least not yet, for now.

Meanwhile, back with a certain vampire girl who was pulling a human girl with her. "Luna, wait!" The human girl called out to the vampire again as they were now already far from the others. "Where are you taking me?" She asked and the vampire called Luna finally stopped in her track. "Where else~? Of course, I'm going to take you back with me~" Luna nonchalantly said with her gleeful voice. "What?" Scarlet asked again, not believing what she had heard. "I said, I'm taking you back-" Luna was about to reply when Scarlet cut her off. "What do you mean? Why would you take me back to that place?! Did you not promise me that you will let me stay at the academy if I agreed to your condition?!" She asked raising her voice in disbelief. Luna just listened to her quietly until she had finished.

Luna then sighed before she replied. "I understand I said that to you before. However, the situation has changed, and I can't let you stay here any longer." She simply said as she looked at Scarlet seriously, unlike usual. That made Scarlet looked at her confused. However, she had thought that perhaps Luna was also having an idea of what was about to happen at the academy. "And I say that it is not the time for me to leave the academy once again." She replied calmly now as she understood her reason, but still, that did not change her mind to stay at the academy. In fact, she thought that was a very good reason for her to stay there, of course, to protect Yuki in case anything would happen in the near future. The two did not say anything as they just looked at each other's eyes silently as if talking with their eyes.

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